Ayanokoji as Spider-Man: Prologue?

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You know what's weird? The fact that this is the first time I'm doing this... and, uh, for some reason, I'm nervous about it. Like, really nervous. Oh, I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, and I'm Spider-Man. Actually, I'm the only Spider-Man. At least that's what I thought. You see, I saved the city, fell in love, then I saved the city again, and again, and again. And, uh, again. And I did it, like, four times, anyway. So, I got a little cocky, I guess. Super cocky, which is not good, because... the thing is, I screwed up. Hard. But hey, it's cool. It's kind of what I do. Anyway, I made things worse. Now, I gotta fix it. Oh, did I mention there's a multiverse? So, basically, we're all Spider-Man. You get what I'm saying? So, yeah, the one thing I know for sure: don't do it like me. Do it like you.

"Good evening, citizens of New York City. This is Akane Tachibana, editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, here to report on the latest in our ongoing battle against the masked menace known as Spider-Man.

Today, amidst the chaos that seems to follow Spider-Man wherever he goes, there was a glimmer of hope. Reports have come in that Spider-Man managed to apprehend the villainous Scorpion aka Daichi Ishizaki, bringing him to justice and turning him over to the authorities.

Now, some may see this as a victory for Spider-Man, but let's not forget the bigger picture here. Spider-Man may have defeated one villain today, but he remains a threat to our city. He operates outside the law, answering to no one but himself, and leaving destruction in his wake.

We mustn't allow ourselves to be blinded by Spider-Man's so-called heroics. For every villain he apprehends, there are countless others who slip through the cracks, emboldened by his reckless actions.

And let's not forget the damage Spider-Man has caused in his misguided attempts to play hero. From shattered storefronts to innocent lives put at risk, the toll of his vigilantism cannot be ignored.

Make no mistake, citizens: Spider-Man is not our savior. He's a menace, plain and simple. And until he's brought to justice and held accountable for his actions, our city will continue to suffer.

This is Akane Tachibana, urging you to stay vigilant and stand against the menace of Spider-Man. Together, we can ensure that justice is served and our streets are safe once more."

"Troublesome, as always," I muttered to myself, my gaze fixed on the phone screen below.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed with a call from Aunt Sae. 

[Kiyotaka, are you watching the news? I hope you're staying away from danger]

I chuckled to myself, knowing Aunt Sae's concern was well-intentioned but misplaced. 

[I'm fine, Aunt Sae. Just studying at the library. Don't worry about me.]

[Okay remember to stay safe, and also it's okay to run away from danger]

[Yeah I know thanks, bye]

As I put my phone away, I couldn't help but think about Aunt Sae's unwavering support. Despite not knowing my secret identity, she always had my back, looking out for me in her own way.

"I'm lucky to have her," I thought to myself, a sense of gratitude washing over me. With renewed determination, I swung off into the city, ready to continue my mission of protecting the people of New York, even if they didn't know it was me under the mask.

As I swung through the city, the familiar skyline of New York passed beneath me in a blur. But amidst the rush of the wind and the thrill of swinging through the concrete jungle, a sudden realization hit me like a bolt of lightning: school was starting soon, and I had yet to meet up with my apprentices.

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