other silly characters 💯💯💯

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BOB V. (aHeM.. 'did you know..' with my silly ass southern accent attempt. )

(OKAY. OKAY. HEAR ME OUT:) He totally gets jealous as hell if you hang out w/ Dexter or Frank to much. (BC THEY'RE ALL IN THIS STUPID LITTLE FRIEND GROUP)

He will LOSE HIS SHIT if Dexter tries hitting on you. (one time he tried to stab Dexter but u stopped him 😧)

Loves playing with your hair at the most random times.

When he asked you out for the first time and you said yes, you could hear him walking away and saying 'HELL YEA!! I F-CKING DID IT!!' and you just laughed like a dumbass.

Hates it when you make fun of him when he washes his hair- (bc his hair looks quite silly when it's wet 🫢)

LILA !!! 

She loves holding your hand. (she freaks out when you hold her hand)

It's so funny to her when Skid grabs onto your leg while you walk around. 

Hates it when you two are on a date and some stupid waitress keeps staring at you.

Loves seeing you drunk, because you say some of the sweetest and most dumb things a person could ever say.

Adores wearing your sweater <3

LEON!!!! <33333 (zombie guy)

Blushes hella hard whenever you tell him he cant have your brain but he can have your heart. 

You made him wear a lion onsie for a whole day and kept calling him 'Leon The Lion'.

Whenever you're upset he'll make up silly little songs about being happy and sing them to you. 

He can sing really well, and will sing you some of his songs while you two dance together. 

It's the best feeling in the world to rest his head on your lap as you give him kisses and play with his hair <3

STREBER !! (finally ik) 

Will FREAK OUT whenever you say 'If you're a real vampire, why don't you get over here and suck my blood?' (his face turns redder than blood itself. 😱)

When you two cuddle he's usually little spoon.

After you get back from work, he greets you by kissing your entire face <3

(he has a little plushie that's all white and it wears mini vers of ur clothes and he cuddles with it while you're gone <33333)

He surprisingly gets jealous really easily.

-- IMA MAKE PART THREE !!!!!! - 

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