The Space Between

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Rain whispers secrets against the windowpane,

a symphony of melancholic beauty unseen by hurried eyes.

I sip lukewarm coffee, the steam swirling into forgotten dreams.

Across the street, laughter spills from a brightly lit house,

a life teeming with triumphs and heartbreaks, a vibrant tapestry.

I long to be a thread woven into that vibrant mess,

but contentment settles in my chest, a bittersweet guest.

The walls are adorned with travel posters, destinations untouched,

promises whispered on a whim, never acted upon.

The bookcase groans with stories, adventures lived vicariously,

a yearning for a life less ordinary, forever a silent plea.

The ache of what could have been, a phantom limb,

a constant reminder of paths not chosen, a melody unheard.

But beneath the bittersweet pang, a quiet acceptance blooms,

a life etched in solitude, a garden of self-nurtured blooms.

Perhaps the world doesn't need another conqueror, another voice,

maybe there's beauty in the gentle hum of a life lived in choices.

The rain subsides, leaving a world washed clean,

and I, a quiet observer, content in the space between.

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