Relentless Trying

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Fractured whispers echo in the space between breaths,

mirrors reflect a stranger with haunted eyes.

Is this the wreckage of who I used to be,

or a mosaic of battles fought and barely won?

The melody in my head plays on repeat,

a discordant symphony of doubt and despair.

I chase the ghost of a smile, a forgotten warmth,

lost in the labyrinth of "what ifs" and "should haves."

The world spins on, a vibrant kaleidoscope,

while I stand frozen, monochrome and numb.

Each sunrise a challenge, a dare to find the spark,

to ignite even a flicker of the fire within.

But the voice, once strong, now cracks and tremors,

a plea lost in the hollowness of this empty room.

Maybe the answer isn't a destination,

but the relentless act of putting one foot in front of the other.

So I gather the shards of hope, fragile and dim,

and piece together a semblance of strength.

This may not be the melody I yearned to sing,

but for now, this is me trying.

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