Yearning in Silence

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Sunlight streams through dusty antique stores,

unearthing stories in chipped china and faded photographs.

Lovers' initials carved into wooden beams,

whispers of a tenderness I can only imagine.

Friends paint their lives in vibrant hues,

tales of stolen glances and whispered secrets.

Their eyes sparkle, a language I can't quite translate,

a secret code reserved for hearts entwined.

Is it a melody, this love they speak of?

A bittersweet harmony, a shared rhythm?

Or a quiet solace, a hand to hold in the dark,

a lighthouse guiding them through life's storms?

The world around me hums with a current I can't feel,

a frequency my senses haven't yet tuned to.

Perhaps it's a constellation waiting to be discovered,

a hidden map leading to a yet-uncharted sea.

One day, maybe a forgotten melody will resurface,

a familiar tune echoing from a place yet unknown.

Until then, I'll keep searching amidst the whispers of the past,

hoping to find the missing piece that completes my song.

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