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"Beg for forgiveness". I say to the assassin of my enemy. I already tortured.  the guy in my secret torture room . I'm so surprised how is he still alive. He blabbers something ergh. This is the usual . I shoot him dead after bringing him back after leting him meet his death a thousand times.

I take a shower and change then realise today it's a mafia ball and my little mafia princess will be there . My moonlight.
I decided to call her my MOONLIGHT. As she adds the pure beauty of the gleaming moon to my dark night . My precious moonlight


I'm currently at the ball. I look around with my Icy cold stare to find Silvia. I greet a few useless people then go to the balcony. Away from the ball and the chaos. I take out a ciggerate, blow it and start taking my smoke.

Out of nowhere i hear footsteps. But they sound like when someone's angry they tap there feet hard something like that . Argh . I take another blow . Who cares

I look beside me and see . Black hair appearing kinda ginger because of the light . Brown eyes. Silvia . Oh but why's my moon angry?

"Angry ,moonlight?"

"None of your concern" she said in a sassy tone that would be enough to hurt a man's fragile ego . But i don't care . She's mine.

"C'mon tell me" i say while blowing smoke , being careful enough not to blow it on her face .

She coughs . "Stop smoking 'jerk' "

I immediately throw the ciggerate butt and crush it. God that nickname jerk ah so fucking lovely.

"Jerk, jerk , jerk ah i like that nickname moonlight"

"Stop calling me moonlight. I'm not your moonlight or anything. Just shut up . I need a break from everything."

"Look me in the eyes Silvia"

She frowns then confidentially matches her empty brown garden with my green trees. Making a garden together.

"What's wrong?"

I-i ... It's just I'm tired of everything. Everyone's better than me I'm such a jealous bitch---

"Kill me but don't call yourself that"

She looks down as if she was about to break into pieces but collected herself

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