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I returned from the cafe after meeting my so called friends. I lay on my giant bed after I removed my makeup got into comfy clothes .

Out of nowhere I hear a knock on my window. This shit is wired now . The whole mansion is protected by our mafia men so no one could do such things the security is so tight even a bird would think 60 times before entering.

I get up and go to the window. There's a giftbox. Strange so strange. But I'm a mafia hier why would I be scared .
I get the box close the window and settle down on the box . There's a note on it that says my name. "SILVIA" . It's written with red paint I guess.

As i open it . It has a ..... HEAD ... A REAL FUCKING HEAD . THE FUCKK GOD!! Shit I'm a mafia hier . Silvia collect yourself you got this !

With trembling hands i open the sides of box to see the face of the head and it's... It's... James ... My friend James the fuck. Now i realise that wasn't red paint on the note it was ..... Written with his blood .

This is so fucked up moments ago I was hugging him and chatting with him and now...???

Shit . I can't tell my dad about this . I mean this can be the threat to our italian mafia but i don't feel like it . Already I've been criticised by rivals because of the stupid stereotypes of  "women can't take over mafia work etc etc". I gotta show how strong my Armor is  and I'll handel all this myself. For now I'll find a way to dump this horror.


Right now i dumped this head into a plain ground near my college . It's known as horror place already so I'm just adding more grace to the Beauty I guess . Now I better leave and think about this psycho.

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