"I do not mind carrying her," Osferth protested softly, "you carried her all the way over the ridge."

"It was my pleasure to," I countered, letting Aelfwynn wrap her arms around my neck as I stood in front of her.

"You must be tired," Osferth frowned lightly.

"Nonsense," I widened my smile, "I am fit as a fiddle and completely capable of carrying a small child."

"I do not doubt that," Osferth nodded, laughing softly.

Aelfwynn, having recovered from her terror of seeing Eardwulf, buried her face into the crook of my neck. Her skin did not feel hot against mine anymore, and I did not know if that was because her fever had broken or if mine had formed. She coughed quietly, her hands gripping the silk on my shoulders as her eyes drooped closed.

"Not long now, Aelfwynn," I tried to assure her, "and then there will be milk and pies."

Wulfrunetun was not a rich land, and there was scarcely anyone about, but Uhtred used what little silver he had to find to us a place to stay. It was a shabby little house, but it was good enough for me to build Aelfwynn a makeshift bed and lay her down.

"Cissa, I hate to ask," Uhtred sighed as I stepped outside the house, having let Aelfwynn sleep under Osferth's care, "but I have no silver left and the children need to eat."

"Of course," I nodded immediately, my heart jolting at the frustration and somewhat sadness in his voice. I reached up behind my neck, going to unclip my cross necklace.

"No," Uhtred shook his head, "no, I can not ask you to give me that. Your rings will be enough." He turned to Finan and Sihtric, who stood beside him. "We have managed to scrape some silver together as well. Your rings will be enough."

"My cross will sell at a higher price," I argued, dropping my hands down and starting to weave the five rings I wore off my fingers.

"The rings will be enough," Uhtred smiled softly, holding his hand out to me so I could drop my rings into his palm.

"What is the plan now?" I wondered, looking between the men, "How soon will we set off again?"

"There are horses here," Uhtred revealed, "Finan will ride with Aethelstan and me for company to go and find Aethelflaed. He will let her know where we are and that Aelfwynn is safe." He met my eyes, nodding slightly, "I wish for you and Osferth to remain here and guard Aelfwynn until Edward has sworn he will not harm her."

"I would be happy to, Lord," I agreed easily, reaching my hand behind the belt of my dress and pulling out Sihtric's dagger that I had taken back from Aethelstan after the fight. I turned to the Dane, holding it up, "Do you mind if I keep this? I have found it is rather a good friend."

Sihtric smiled slightly, nodding curtly, "It is my gift to you."

"You are most kind," I studied the blade of the dagger before slipping it back into the side of my belt. It was a metal belt, so it clinked against the blade, and the sound made me nervous; it promised death.

"Finan and I," Uhtred turned to his warrior, "will tell Edward what kind of a man he trusted."

Finan sighed softly, dropping his arm onto Aethelstan's head, using him as an armrest, "So, we fight for peace, Lord... again."

"We can not let them turn on each other," Uhtred sighed, "we have to stop this." He turned to Sihtric, "We do it?" After Sihtric nodded, Uhtred did as well, "We do it."

"Lord," I sighed softly, raising my hand to my forehead and rubbing it with my fingers, "there is also the matter of Aelfwynn's health."

"It is the sickness?" Finan blurted immediately, his eyes darkening.

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