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This is in short what life feels like nowadays....♥️ Hope you like it!

Like a child lost in some
dark void,

I frantically search

for a source of light.

Moving around

In the path of life,

I don't know,

What it means to be alive.

Heck! I don't even know what life means!

Frantic calls from God,

One day we all will leave!

What does being alive mean again,

And what do we need!

Be it happiness or pain,

All of them are of mere moments.

Afterall we all will leave,

And nothing remains....

Common! Where do I go?

& Whom do I trust?

Wherever I go it's all the same!

And whomever I turn to are

hissing snakes!

Getting bit by them

Would scar you for life...

The scars of life they last till the end..

All that we ever get,

is endless pain,

Though it takes forever
to get rid of,

Doesn't it all go away in the end?

Common! Nothing ever stays forever,

Frantic calls from God,

We all will leave

In the end!

Greatest of great came
and went.

Yet, none of them better
a teacher than life

in the end.

Except for a pinch of happiness
Here and there.

All that is there to it,

Is not fair!

Oh, how we whine and complain,

But what do we even get ,
in the end!

Then all that remains at last,

Is a sole question...

What does mean to be alive,


 WHISPERS OF THE SOUL  ||Poetry|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now