8. Senior Years

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As Celia approached the Regal Scarlett Estate Gates a little later, a sense of trepidation filled her.

She was about to encounter the embodiment of death - her so-called sister, Novia. A person she detested with a passion but had mastered the art of hiding her true feelings from.

Steeling herself, Celia entered the estate and greeted Novia and her mother, Lady Garrett, with a polished smile.

"I hear I have an older sister now! Welcome to House Scarlett!" She curtsied gracefully, all the while seething inwardly.

'These harbingers of evil are back again!'

Lady Garrett beamed at Celia, oblivious to her true sentiments. "Oh my! So well-mannered!"

Celia's face muscles twitched as she struggled to maintain her smile. "Thank you," she replied, curtsying again. After over two hundred years of dealing with these two, she had perfected the art of concealing her emotions.

She ordered the guards to let them in and ensured they were settled into a comfortable suite, and she even convinced her father to allow Novia to study under Master Lean.

"But he's your private tutor!" Lord Scarlett protested. "Cece, I know you're too young to understand, but I'm not that child's father! She's not your sister!" He crouched, holding her shoulders. "I met Lady Garrett on a formal visit, and I have a high alcohol tolerance... I didn't lose my mind and-" He stopped himself, remembering he was speaking to a child.

But Celia knew the truth.

She initially believed Novia was her sister in the past, but her hatred had eventually driven her to uncover the truth.

Novia was not her father's child.

Lady Garrett had been pregnant with Novia from a previous affair and had attempted to trap Lord Scarlett, but he was too good at drinking! In the end, Lady Garrett had been the one to wind up drunk, while Lord Scarlett left early.

But the Inn owner had been the only witness... or so Lady Garrett thought, and she didn't hesitate to murder him!

Fortunately, Celia had found a hidden witness, a maid, and through her, Celia had even uncovered Novia's real father, a burly official with the same crisp violet irises, who frequented that same inn, and one had a fling with Lady Garrett...

Now, Celia placed her small hands on her father's shoulders. "Papa, I completely believe you! But sly people like this will only tarnish your reputation outside.

"Let them in, and we'll keep a close eye on them. We can afford to have more than a few of these rats around."

Lord Scarlett studied his daughter in surprise. "Cece! When did you mature so much!"

Celia beamed at him. "The Academy lessons are quite profound!"


Meanwhile, back at school, Celia began taking private classes with 'Master Sylva' after her classes, and as for her regular classes, they went well...

Except for one entity.


After finding out he was the Crown Prince, Celia tried to give him the cold shoulder, but Taze had a secret weapon - telepathy!

He bombarded her with thoughts from class to class, driving her crazy.

~"Talk to me!"~

~"Say something!"~

~"Let me tell you a joke..."~

The teacher was writing on the blackboard. "If you forcefully probe into a person's thoughts, they might run mad." He explained. "Or you might be the one to lose your min-."

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