Victoria {2x1}

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Hello everyone! I wanted to start incorporating some storylines into the actual Grey's Episodes, so have a lookout for these because I really do love making these!

Derek sits at the entrance waiting room of the hospital as Meredith wobbles her way to him.

Derek looks up at her. "We need to talk." He states.

With a tired expression, Meredith responds, "Wine first, talk later."

Derek chuckles at her joke and gets up from his chair. "Trying to get me drunk so you could take advantage of me?" He jokes back while Meredith shares a laugh of her own.

"I think I like this rules thing." She adds as Derek agrees. They both put their coats on as a women watches from afar.

"DADDY!" A young girl yells out; both Derek and Meredith turn their heads towards the entrance. Derek stares in disbelief towards the young girl and the beautiful red headed women.

Derek looks towards Meredith with a fright. "Meredith I am so sorry." He states as the young girl runs and hugs onto his torso. Meredith's heart sinks. "Vicky! Heyy! How's my sweet girl doing?" He says with a large smile painted across his face as he spoke to the young girl.

The women from afar begins to walk towards the trio. Derek's smile fades as she approaches. "Addison."

She puts a hand to her hip. "Victoria, it's been a long flight. Why don't you ask the front attendant where the restrooms are so you could freshen up?"

The young girl nods and trots her way back towards the entrance.

Derek waits until Victoria was far enough. "What are you doing here?" He scolded.

"You'd know if you'd bother to return anyone of my phone calls." She deliberately states. She turns towards Meredith. "Hi." Addison shakes her hand. "I'm Addison Shepherd."

Meredith stands, bewildered. "Shepherd?" She restates.

"And you must be the women who's been screwing my husband."
Meredith is now sulking and drinking at Joe's bar. George and Cristina walk in and sit down next to her.

"Let's play a game of 'Who's life sucks the most?' I'll win." Meredith says.

Annoyed, Cristina replies. "You don't want to play with me."

Meredith looks up at her. "Oh I do. I'll even go first. Derek's married."

Cristina looks at her jaw dropped as George spits out his drink.

"George, beer is dripping from your nostrils." Cristina says with a disgusted face. George gets up from the bar and leaves to clean himself off.

Meredith looks at Cristina once more. "And he has a daughter. A cute little carbon copy daughter. Told you I win." She says looking down in despair.

Cristina nods her head no. "No, you didn't win."

"Did you hear me? I said Derek is married. As in pig-headed, adulterous, liar married. With a daughter that he left behind. Nothing you can say can top that."

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