Stressed HC

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Daughter: Jade / Victoria / Maya
Warnings: Stress symptoms (mild)

In this HC, the dads try their best to teach their daughters that it's ok to take a step back from time to time.
•You'd be in your room doing an essay worth 50% of your class grade.

•You tried to have music on to calm you down, but it just made you even more irritated, so you turn off the speaker.

-"JJ" your dad would call.
-"Can I come in?"

•He'd open the door and you could see the take out from the corner of your eye. Considering he was still in his scrubs, it was obvious he had just gotten back from the hospital. "It's dumplings night"

-"I'll be there in a second." You'd say, not taking your eyes off the paper, yet continuously scratching your arms.

•He'd furrow his eyebrows. "Are you alright?"
-"Look at me."

•You'd get frustrated and turn his way and you can quickly see the expression on his face change.

-"What?" You'd ask in a more confused manner.
•You'd end up on the kitchen island as your dad smothered you with Benadryl gel due to stress hives.

•Though hives weren't the best feeling, you really just wanted to finish your paper.
-"What have I told you about hyper focusing on these things."
-"By things, you mean grades"
-"I don't care what it is, you're not gonna continue looking like you live in a beehive."

•He'd hand you the gel bottle. "Here, don't go too crazy with that."

•You'd get off the chair and begin towards your room.
-"Woah. Hold on. I didn't say you could go back to your room."
-"Why not?!"
-"Because it looks like you just pissed off a swarm of mosquitos."

•You'd roll your eyes, but you ended up back in the chair
-"I'm serious about taking a breather Jay."
-"I know dad. It's a one time thing"
-"You said that the last 3 times."

•He has made you stay in the kitchen and talk at random for over an hour.

•By the end of the conversation, your hives were nearly gone and you actually felt a lot better.

•Though you wouldn't say it out loud for the benefit of not hearing "I told you so", you'd give your dad a thank you hug.
•You'd be in the living room trying to finish up some practice questions for a college interview.

•Your siblings being rowdy around the house wouldn't help and with your mom picking up a few extra hours, you knew they weren't settling down any time soon.

•You close your laptop and stand up from the couch, you walk past your dad as you attempt to go towards your room.
-"Hey Vic."
-"Yeah dad?"
-"Would you mind helping me clean up the kitchen a bit?"
-"Oh... I don't know. I still have quiete a few questions to go over."
-"Ok. That's fine."

•The exhausted look on his face, however, only made you feel bad. "Actually, it's fine. I have a long night coming anyways"

You'd be picking up the dishes and handing them over to your dad to wash
-"Big day tomorrow."
-"You know, the interview."
-"Oh. It's not until the 24th"
-"Yeah. Tomorrow."

•You nearly froze while wiping down the dinner table.

-"Do you know where you're doing the intervi-" He gets cut off as you throw up into the trash can.
•You lay in your bed as you blast music from your laptop.

•A knock is heard at the door.
-"Come in"

Your dad walks in with a bowl in hand. "Brought you some grapes."

You pause the music and grab the bowl, "Thanks."
-"Do you need anything?"
-"A Time Machine."

He'd go in to reassure you that you were gonna do amazing and give the whole "just be yourself" speech before he would leave the room.
-"Thanks dad."
You'd be in the kitchen studying for SATs as your dad helped with note cards.

•You had reached the math portion, which wasn't necessarily your strong suit.

•Owen states the word problem. "Ok. How about you write it out first, then I'll give you the answer choices."

You put down your answer choice. "Alright. Go ahead."
-"A. 15 / B. 55 / C. 20 / D. 22

You sigh and lean your head against you hands.
-"What is it?"
-"I got 103"

You stand up from the table and decide to get a glass of water.

•Your dad watches as you obviously seem flustered
-"You know, it's not THAT big of a deal Maya."
-"It's my FUTURE, dad. I fail this and I say goodbye to Yale"
-"You got a few lousy questions wrong."
-"That was number 10"

•You start pacing back and forth a bit.

•Your dad gets up and walks towards you. "Hey. Just stop." He grabs you by the shoulders. "Just take a few deep breaths."
-"Dad- I don't wann-"
-"Take a deep breath, Maya"

•Although annoyed, you still took about 3 deep breaths along with him.

-"See, don't you feel better." You give him a blank stare. "Look, the exam is still a few weeks away. Maybe we can find you a tutor. I mean, your mom went to Harvard- I bet she can-"

-"Have you seen the way mom teaches?"
-"Then we'll find someone else. Bottom line is, there's still time. Ok?"

•He finally lets go of your shoulders, "Alright we should call it a night. I'll pick up here before your mom gets home."

•You nod. "Alright. Goodnight dad."

•It took a few seconds but you gave him a hug before heading to your room.
-"Thank you"
-"For what?"
-"For being a great dad."

•He smiled as he still embraced you.
Hey y'all. Hope y'all enjoyed this one. I'll do a Mom's version soon!

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