Summer Job HC

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Daughter: All
Warnings: None

In this HC the girls decide to get themselves a new job.
Derek x Meredith
-You'd be working at the coffee shop in the hospital
-You could only really work mornings in order to be able to babysit your siblings in the afternoon
-Constantly seeing your family members for their usual morning coffees
-You get caught once giving a free coffee to your aunt Cristina
-You pull the "she saves lives" card
-The manager would let it slide and you still give items out for free to your family
-Your dad saying "a shepherd special" every time he'd order. It would literally just be a medium black americano.

-You were forced to work at the hospital gift shop after getting caught sneaking out.
-Constantly getting older people who were "new" to technology
-"You can insert the chip"
  -"The what?"
  -"You can insert your card into the chip holder"
  [Inserts card. Begins to beep and say "Remove card"]
  -"What now?"
-Being able to have lunch with your family members
-Being able to visit Vicky during your breaks
-Lexi following you around the shop, asking for your opinion on your dad
-Your dad following you around to ask your opinion on Lexi
-The manager putting your name tag as Baby Sloan

Owen x Cristina
-You'd get a retail job at a vintage clothing store
-Being able to get cute clothes for half off
-Your cousins forcing you to hide their favorite clothes in the back for them to buy
-Your mom buying her signature leather jacket looks from you.
-Your dad visiting you, even though you'd tell him multiple times not to.
    -"Heyy, this shirt is pretty cool" As you fold clothes next to him
-You stay silent.
-He buys matching shirts for all 3 of you to wear

Arizona x Callie
-You'd work at a record store
-Loving your job since it mostly consisted of listening to music all day
-Being able to see cute girls/boys everyday that had good music taste
-Being able to buy any vinyl you want for a fraction of the cost
-Babysitting your sister in the store was a lot easier since she was able to keep herself distracted
-Arizona lowkey vibing every time she'd enter to drop off Sofia
-Callie finding music that you've never even heard of
   -"Can I get a discount on these. They seem used"
   -"Mom, I give you the 50% off anyway. What does it matter."
Sorry guys. I know this one is a little short. I'm currently rewatching Grey's to see what other parents I could try to do.

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