"That was too clean" Aliyah cheesed

"He didn't even think twice just,shot it" Miriam laughed

The rest of the game was gut wrenching but The Miami Heat's won in the end with 190 points whilst the grizzlies got 110 points. Jakari jogged over to us and hugged me.

"That was great" I smiled up at him

"Thank you my Queen,all those shots were for you" Jakari laughed

"Nxawww,thank you" I giggled

"Jakari,Jakari ,did you see me cheer you on?" Isaiah asked him and he picked him up

"I did little man,thank you for the support" Jakari smiled as he gave him a high five

"I bet y'all are hungry" Jakari laughed

"Hungry is an understatement,I'm starving" Nique huffed as she rubbed her belly.

"I'll meet y'all after " Jakari smiled as he put Isaiah down and left the court.

"That man loves you sis,can't deny it" Aliyah cheesed as we left the court going out the exit.

"The way he looked at her when he held Isaiah in his arms" Miriam smirked making me blush

"You definitely like that man" Melani laughed as we walked out of the arena.

"Hello ladies" Carter smiled as he joined us

"Who are you?" Melani asked

"My bad, I'm Jakari's brother,I didn't introduce myself" Carter Chuckled

"Is their whole blood line this sexy?" Kehlani whispered into my ear and I just laugh

"I'm Melani, Nairari's best friend" Melani introduced herself

"My name is Kehlani but you can call me Noonie" Kehlani smiled widely

"The names Aliyah" Aliyah smiled

"I'm Nique, Nairari's cousin" Nique smiled as she adjusted Isaiah on her shoulder as he was fast asleep.

"I'm Miriam or Mimi , Nairari's big sister" Miriam introduced herself

"Nice to meet you ladies" Carter smiled and his eyes wandered to me making me uncomfortable

"Are y'all ready to go?" Jakari asked as he walked up to us

"Yeah" I smiled and we walked to the SUV and got in,the guys were already at the house with the food

Once we got to the house , everyone went inside and I waited for Jakari to get his Nike duffle bag.

"Let's go" Jakari smiled and I put up my hands for him to carry me.

"My feet are killing meee,I really need a foot massage" I laughed and Jakari carried me bridal style.

"Your so cheesy" Jakari laughed as we walked into the house and upstairs .

"Aren't I heavy?" I laughed

"Not one bit" Jakari chuckled as he opened our door and threw me on the bed

"Just threw me like a sac of potatoes" I pouted as I sat up to remove my shoes but Jakari beat me to it

"Sorry mama,but it was tempting" Jakari laughed out loud making me throw a pillow at him.

"Really? You so mean" I laughed as he removed my socks as well.

"Gotta get your nails done tomorrow" Jakari looked up at me as he rubbed my feet

"Don't think about paying" I sighed

"I already did"Jakari huffed

"Jakari come on,we would have paid for our own nails,I mean you already flew us out here to watch your game that was enough" I smiled slightly as I cupped his face in my hands.

"I just can't help it,I don't like you paying for stuff on your own that's why I step up" Jakari smiled

"At least tell me first before you spend the money" I laughed

"Alright" Jakari smiled as he stood up to go was his hands.

We joined everyone else downstairs and Isaiah ran towards me and I picked him up and sat down.

"You're gonna break your mama's hip from all that weight" Jakari laughed

"Nooooo,I'm not heavy" Isaiah giggled

"You are bubba,your growing too fast" I pouted as I played with his hair.

"I wanna be big and strong like aquaman" Isaiah cheesed

"You definitely will" Miriam laughed

"Can we eat?" Omar groaned

"You always hungry my nigga" Khalil sighed as he played with Kehlani's braids and Kehlani was completely unfazed ,quite weird she'll always throw a fit.

"Let's go eat ya'll, Isaiah needs to sleep early tonight" I smiled as I stood up with Isaiah

We went to eat and we talked about today's game and laughed about many things. This is what I needed after this hectic week.





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