Chapter 7: The Deal

Start from the beginning

After walking a bit farther than she intended, Aster decided to turn back. She wasn't sure how long of her day she had spent since she started planting the soil, but she could guess it's been a few hours. She didn't mind though, she couldn't think of any better way to spend her day.

She wondered how her friends had spent their day. She hadn't talked to Sorbit the entire weekend, and knew once they caught up Sorbit would have a million questions about the incident with Kale Maverick. Matty had mentioned before how she liked to catch up on leisure reading with fiction books on her weekends. She wondered how Sebastian's visit with his mother went, and figured he was soon to be on his way back to the Academy by now. She also wondered about Huck, how he spent his weekends. She wondered if he knew about Sebastian's mother's worsening condition.

She was deep in her thoughts when they were suddenly interrupted by the sensation that someone was watching her. She's had the same sensation many times back home. The Fae never really make themselves known, unless they want to.

She whipped around suddenly, and was utterly surprised to see a Faery standing merely a few feet away from her. It was a female, she was taller than Aster with a slender frame. Her skin was dark brown, in contrast to her luminating white hair. It was long and flowing, surrounding her slender face, a thin pointed chin and petite nose. Her eyes were a pale blue. She stared at Aster intently, causing Aster to freeze in place.

After a moment, Aster spoke first. "Hello."

The faery lifted her head slightly at Aster's greeting, but made no attempt to respond otherwise.

"I apologize if I've offended you with my gifts, and I apologize for the chaos I caused yesterday," Aster said, not really knowing if it was a wise choice.

The Faery's eyes narrowed as she began to walk closer to Aster. This made Aster nervous, but she stood her ground. Suddenly, the Faery was only inches away from her.

"You are a reckless child," she said.

Aster gulped, but remained in place. "I understand."

"You are a Light Keeper?"

Aster nodded. "Yes."

"You want something from me?"

Aster wasn't sure how to respond. The Fae here were certainly different from the fae back home. Aster could easily offend this Faery if she wasn't careful.

"I only seek knowledge. If you are willing."

"I have not heard of a Light Keeper in quite some time. I believed them to be extinct."

"That's what I've heard. I don't know, I grew up far away from here. My guardian never told me I was a Light Keeper."

The Faery looked at Aster with suspicion. "You fought as if you knew."

Aster nodded. "I practiced my magic in secret when I lived back home, but I didn't understand it. Not until I came here."

The Faery raised her head. "And what knowledge is it you seek?"

"I need to learn more about my healing abilities. I know someone who is sick, and I want to be able to save them."

The Faery's expression remained nondescript. "Hmph."

"She's progressively grown ill for some time now. Nobody knows the cause or what she's sick with. She just lost her eyesight. At this rate, it's like her body is slowly deteriorating until she dies."

The Faery began to circle Aster.

"I understand if you can't help me," Aster continued, swallowing her nerves. "But I thought maybe if I could control my healing magic, I could save her."

"Or kill yourself in the process."

Aster tried to contain her shudder. "I suppose that is also a possibility."

"The last time I trusted a Keeper, I deeply regretted it."

Aster wasn't sure how to respond. "I understand."

"If I were to teach you about your healing abilities, it would cost you."

Aster nodded.

"I want more than sweets or jewelry."

Aster nodded again.

"I won't tell you what I desire, but when the time comes you must pay up."

This right here is why most people advise not to bargain with the Fae. Aster was at crossroads with herself. Could the sacrifice be worth the risk? She thought very carefully about her next answer.

"I just want to help my friend."

The Faery halted her walk, directly in front of Aster. The two locked eyes, unmoving and unspeaking. The silence felt like eternity for Aster.

"Then it is a deal," the Faery finally spoke up.

A hole bursted into Aster's stomach. The deal was set, whether she wanted it or not.

Before Aster could respond, the Faery placed her three fingertips to Aster's forehead. Aster closed her eyes, and tried to remain calm. The Faery did something, set a vision of some type onto Aster. She couldn't explain it in words, but she knew what she had to do.

"I will contact you again when I am ready," the Faery told her.

Aster then watched the Faery take a few steps backwards, before turning around and disappearing into a portal.

Aster returned to her room, drowning in emotions and anxiety. She wasn't sure if she made a mistake or not. Whatever the case, what was done was done. She had to focus on the future now and what she was to do. At the very least, she was positive in her ability to provide some relief to Sebastian's mother.

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