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Mmm..Idk what to say, this is something new. I am gonna write about heartbreak.

If the emotions Don't hit the spot, pls, tell me what else I should have done. Thx. Lub u ♥️

Standing under the faint moonlight

I saw his face for the first time.

Till this day, the moon was the most beautiful to me.

Yet, how come, it couldn't compare to him!

He had an aura, that of a Greek god,

That even the moon was shy of.

Blushing together with the moon,

I turned his way.

My heart beats fast

My steps,

slow at pace.

As I stared at him from afar

Admiring his handsome face.

I Stood behind the Sakura tree

And saw him laugh out in glee.

And that was when I fell in love,

Yet, I didn't know.

Day after day flew by

As I stuck close to his side.

Still not realising the feelings


Smiling the smile a fool does

Whenever I saw him passby .

Sitting near him during class,

My thoughts filled with only him.

Dazed and distracted,

I let go of my pen!

Shocked I bent to pick it up

Well, our hands brushed right then.

That was when he passed me a smile.

And I knew I fell for him, right then.

I thought we were meant to be together.

How laughable of me.

I thought it would last Forever.

But didn't all sweet dreams come to an end?

Breaking away from the present,

I had ventured into the past....

Looking back at all those moments

As I closed my diary with a thud.

And all that remained of him

Was this betrayed heart.

And the heart that belonged to him

Suffered a ache that never fades.

For he, now is in the clouds,

Looking at me,

And Smiling at my pain.

As I Close my eyes

And sob once again.

Must you leave this world

So soon my sweetheart!

Wish it was me

Instead of you infront of that truck.

Why does it hurt,

Even though you're gone!

How come I couldn't recover

Even if it has been 3 years since that dawn.

Who told you my love,

That you weren't cared for.

If that was so,

Then who was I here for.

I wish and wish

And pray and pray,

That this was all just a dream,

And one day,

I will finally be awake.

Could have shared

That you were depressed

Could have shared

It to someone with a heart.

Why did you have to leave so soon

And let things fall apart,

And break this longing heart......


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