chapter 2 the world

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This is a world like ours except technology did advance at a slower pace during this time a collection of countries in the wittiland region of Europa were united due to the interference of the union Socialist republic creating the Socialist Republic of wittiland (SRW)

It was made up of the following counties

(Czechoslovakia) Czechin

(East Germany) Germania

(Hungary) hungering

(Poland) polandish

(Romania) Romanish

(Bulgaria) blugarin

The SRW like the USR is in a cold war with the free union states (FUS)

The country unlike the USR is open to foreigners however getting accepted to it is hard due to the fact the SRW is surrounded by politically unstable countries that were destabilized by the FUS and USR's cold war which led to the the first blecken war with the SRW having to defend itself with military aid from the USR giving them a steady supply of weapons, vehicles and aircraft and other equipment

Ever since then FUS was trying to send spies into the country seeing as it was more open then the USR

This has led to borders opening and closing and tight security with people being detained or shot trying to get into the nation

The SRW is made up by the SRW army, SRW internal security, SRW Airforce, the SRW navy and the SRW border guard which works with works with the army and internal security

The internal security also works with the ministry of entertainment and general knowledge (propaganda) where they fabricated stories to make their enemies look bad and no one to refute or say these are false because that would get you a visit from internal security

*Note:this is a fictional universe I created where women can join the military in any country it's just uncommon for them too do so*

Now that leads us too now

Because I can't think of more to write for lore

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