Morning after

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Y/n P.O.V~

I woke up with my eyes twitching before opening. I looked at my side and smiled, seeing Laura sleeping beside me. My smile widened as I ran a hand through Laura's hair. Laura's eyes twitched before they opened, and Laura looked up at me with a yawn. Laura then grinned as she snuggled close to me while speaking.

Laura:" Mornging honey.~"

I smile and hug Laura, kissing her on the forehead while speaking.

Y/n:" Good morning, my dear."

Laura smiled as she kissed me on the cheek before speaking.

Laura:" How'd you sleep?"

I smile while speaking, looking into Laura's jade-green eyes.

Y/n:" I slept better than I have in a long time."

Laura kisses me on the cheek again before speaking.

Laura:" I'm glad. I slept great, too."

I smile as I pull Laura in slightly closer while speaking.

Y/n:" I'm glad. So, do you have any plans today, darling?"

Laura slightly blushed at me, calling her darling before speaking.

Laura:" Just taking care of Gabby. You dear?"

I shook my head and spoke.

Y/n:" Nope, today is my day off, and I'm going to relax."

Laura smiles as she speaks.

Laura:" That's good; teaching all those kids must be exhausting."

I sighed and chuckled to myself.

Y/n:" Oh, you have no idea."

Laura and I then got out of bed and began to get dressed; I smiled as I looked over at Laura to see her bottoms on, making me blush as I gazed at her ass before she looked back at me and grinned.

Laura:" See something you like, perv~"

I blushed and looked away while speaking.

Y/n:" Yeah, very much, dear."

Laura smiled as we quickly dressed, exited our hotel room, and returned to Laura's apartment building, walking hand in hand on our way there. Laura and I reached the apparent building before we parted ways, sharing a kiss as we did before I began to walk back to the Xavier Institute. I couldn't help but smile as I walked to and entered my room before looking in the mirror and giving myself a high five while speaking.

Y/n:" I can't believe I just lost my virginity..."

Laura P.O.V~

I smiled as I entered my apartment and saw Gabby sitting with Johnathan on the couch. The two looked over at me, and Gabby smiled and spoke.

Gabby:" Hey Laura! How'd the date go?"

My grin widened as I spoke.

Laura:" Went great, Gabby, thanks for asking. So, did you two behave for Kate?"

Gabby smiled and nodded while speaking.

Gabby:" Yeah, but Kate had to leave early last night, so she left us with Logan."

I raised an eyebrow while speaking.

Laura:" Okay, where is he?"

Gabby pointed over to the bathroom while speaking.

Gabby:" Bathroom."

I nodded before the bathroom door opened, and Logan exited it while speaking.

Logan:" So Laura, how'd the date..."

Logan then sniffed a couple of times before he grinned before speaking.

Logan:" You too did it? Didn't you?"

I blushed as I sighed.

Laura:" Not in front of Gabby Logan."
Logan snorted and began to laugh as I sighed while speaking.

Laura:" God damn it."

Gabby tilted her head while speaking.

Gabby:" Laura, what does Logan mean?"

Logan kept on laughing as Laura sighed and spoke, pointing at the doorway to her apartment while speaking.

Laura:" Get out."

Logan nodded and laughed as he exited the apartment. I sighed as I shook my head while speaking to myself.

Laura:" People will have a field day with this one."

Gabby looks at Laura while she speaks.

Gabby:" So, what do you want to do today?"

I smile and look at my sister before I sit beside her and our pet wolverine while speaking.

Laura:" Wanna watch some cartoons?"

Gabby smiled while speaking.

Gabby:" Sure!"

I smiled as I thought about Y/n momentarily before focusing on the cartoons with my sister.

Third-person P.O.V~

Y/n and Laura thought about each other while minding their own devices. Logan walked down the streets before he took out his phone and called Y/n, leaving a voicemail.

Logan:" Y/n, I'm going to kill you if you hurt Laura, got it?"

Logan left the voicemail while walking down the road, not noticing that something was watching him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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