Horror movie

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Y/n P.O.V~

I sighed as I sat in my office looking over the wood projects that had been submitted to me earlier this week. Most of them were made pretty well, and the build quality could have been better, but that was most likely because of the class's smaller budget. I then heard the door to the woodshop open making me look up to see Laura with her hands in her leather coat pockets as she spoke.

Laura:" Hiya Y/n, how are you doing?"

Y/n:" I'm doing okay; how bout you?"

Laura:" About the same."

Laura then walked into the shop as she spoke, looking around.

Laura:" How old do you have to be to get into this class?"

Y/n:" At least eleven; why?"

Laura:" Gabby wanted to take this class, and I just wanted to see if that was possible."

Y/n:" I'm afraid, not sorry."

Laura:" It's okay."

Laura then spoke, looking, her green eyes looking into mine.

Laura:" Hey, some friends and I were going to watch a movie tonight. Do you want to join in?"

Y/n:" Um, sure, sounds fun."

Laura smiled before putting her hand on her hip and speaking.

Laura:" Alright, I'll see you there."

I smiled and waved Laura goodbye as she exited the shop leaving me alone as I went back to work.


I sighed as I was in my room getting changed out of my work clothes. I put on a black hoodie and exited my room before I walked down the halls and entered one of the many living rooms in the institute, seeing one of the other teachers Kitty Pryde putting down a bowl of pretzels before she turned, looking at me and spoke.

Kitty:" Oh hey, Y/n, how are you?"

Y/n:" I'm okay, you?"

Kitty:" I'm doing pretty well; Laura and I are gonna finish making these snacks before we start the movie."

Y/n:" Okay, cool."

Kitty smiled at me before exiting the room, and I took a seat on the couch before I then smelt sulfur and heard a loud explosion noise before I turned to see Kurt as he smiled and spoke.

Kurt:" Hi Y/n."

Y/n:" Hey, Kurt. How are you doing?"

Kurt:" Good you?"

Y/n:" I guess."

Kurt and I began to talk before I spoke.

Y/n:" So you got any family?"

Kurt:" Not really; my half-brother is dead, who my mom had with sabertooth, and Rogue, my adopted sister, is really ever around, but that's understandable wanting to spend time with her family."

Y/n:" Wait a minute, you had a half brother who was sabertooth's kid?"

Kurt:" Yeah, why?"

Y/n:" But sabertooth's my dad?"

Kurt's eyes widened as he spoke.

Kurt:" Then what's that make us?"

I gulped as I spoke.

Y/n:" I don't know..."

Kurt:" huh."

I then took a sip of soda, and before I spoke.

Y/n:" Does this mean I'm also related to Rogue?"

Kurt:" I guess..."

Kurt then chuckled before speaking.

Kurt:" Funny enough, Rogue's husband's name is also Y/n."

Y/n:" Huh, cool."

Laura and Kitty entered the room before Kitty Laura sat on the other side of me, and Kitty sat next to Kurt before she started the movie. It was a horror movie, and it was a slow burn. To say the least, it wasn't super scary, if I was being honest. I then began to zone out, taking a handful of popcorn and eating before my eyes drifted over to Laura's, her green eyes meeting with mine; we quickly looked away from each other, focusing back on the movie. I then saw some woman killed by a werewolf it ripping her in half and blood spattering everywhere. I let out a little chuckle making Kitty look at me slightly funny before looking back at the movie. The gore became more and more intense as Laura then laughed as Kitty looked at her like she was crazy. The werewolf then bit down on a woman making her scream out as she was shaken around before being bit in half. Laura then began to laugh, joining in the fun.

Kitty:" How are you laughing at this!? This is traumatizing!"

Laura and I continued to laugh our asses off before she spoke.

Kitty:" God, the two of you are so alike and don't even see it."

Laura and I briefly looked at each other before looking back at the movie. A couple of minutes later, the movie ended with everyone dying, and Laura and Kurt went back to their rooms while Laura and I cleaned up in silence, not talking to one another before she broke the silence.

Laura:" Do you think what Kitty said is true?"

I turned and spoke.

Y/n:" What do you mean? That we're alike?"

Laura:" Yeah..."

I looked down for a second before I spoke.

Y/n:" Yeah, I guess; we were both trained to be weapons."

Laura:" True... but for different purposes."

Y/n:" Yeah. We've both done a lot of things we regret too."

Laura:" Yeah."

Laura put a bowl in the sink as she spoke.

Laura:" I guess the two of us really aren't all that different about it if you think about it. We're the kids of basically the angriest mutant ever, trained as weapons and doing our best to move on and be better people."

Y/n:" Yeah, let's we can actually keep that promise to ourselves."

Laura:" Yeah."

Laura smiled as she washed the dishes before she spoke.

Laura:" I know; we agreed to bury the hatchet and move on; we haven't done the best job of that."

Y/n:" True."

Laura looked at me while drying her hands off before she spoke.

Laura:" Let's try to do that better."

Y/n:" Yeah."

Laura and I began to walk as we cleaned up the living room before she spoke.

Laura:" Well, I have to get going. Gabby is probably wondering where I am now."

Y/n:" Alright, I'll finish up cleaning here."

Laura walked off before she spoke, looking back at me.

Laura:" Hey, Y/n?"

Y/n:" Yeah, Laura."

Laura gave me a slight smile as she spoke.

Laura:" Freinds?"

I smiled back before I spoke.

Y/n:" Freinds."

Laura gave me a toothy grin which I returned before she left. I left the living room before I made my way to my room and plopped down on the bed, thinking to myself about curling up under the covers while doing so. I think I'm gonna like hanging out with Laura. Maybe I should do that more often.

X-23 x Male son of Sabertooth readerWhere stories live. Discover now