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Y/n P.O.V~

I sighed, looking over some of the woodshop projects. Most of them turned out well, but some of the paint people had used could have turned out better. I sighed as I wrote down the final grade on my clipboard before I yawned and leaned back in my chair; I would take a nap before I heard the door to the shop slam closed, making me look as I saw Kitty entering the shop as she spoke.

Kitty:" Hey Y/n, how are you doing?"

Y/n:" I'm doing fine; how about you?"

Kitty:" Alright, but could I ask you a favor?"

Y/n:" Sure, what is it?"

Kitty:" I was teaching the home-ec class today, but I have to leave. Do you think you could sub for me today?"

Y/n:" Yeah, yeah, I can."

Kitty:" Okay, cool. Thanks."

Y/n:" Yeah, no problem."

I relaxed for about an hour before I quickly walked over to the home-ec room and saw a group of kids sitting at different ovens and stoves as I spoke.

Y/n:" Okay, everyone, I'm uh, Mr.Aigner; some of you might have met in woodshop class, but I'm just subbing for Ms.Pryde, and she did leave me a little list; of what you're making today."

I took out a piece of paper and read it over, scanning the document.

Y/n: The fuck is beef welington?"

I crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the trash as I spoke.

Y/n:" Fuck it! You're making mac and cheese!"

One of the students raised their hand and spoke.

Student #1:" But Ms.Pryde said-."

Y/n:" You're makin' mac and cheese!"

The students naturally didn't want to argue with Y/n and quickly began making some mac and cheese. Y/n sat back in a chair as he watched the students cook, and after a few minutes, he then heard a voice.

Hana:" Hey, Y/n?"

I looked down at Hana and smiled, looking into the little girl's amber eyes as I spoke.

Y/n:" Yes, Hana?"

Hana:" Can I have some of that mac and cheese?"

Y/n:" Sure, kid."

I gave Hana a bowl of Mac and cheese as Hanna happily began to eat. Soon the class finished, and Hana left while I was about to exit the room before I heard a voice.

Laura:" You did an excellent job with that class."

I turned around to see Laura with her hands in her pockets as she spoke.

Laura:" I guess that must mean you're good with kids then."

Y/n:" Ummm... I guess? Why?"

Laura:" Well, uh.. look, I was wondering if you could babysit Gabby for me?"

Y/n:" Yeah, sure, but what are you asking me about this?"

Laura:" Well, usually, I would have someone else do it, but everyone I would typically talk to is out of town."

Y/n:" Okay, well, it's no problem."

Laura smiled at me as she spoke, her green eyes looking into mine.

Laura:" Thank you so much for this; if there is anything I can do to pay you back, let me know."

Y/n:" Oh no, don't worry, it's no problem."

X-23 x Male son of Sabertooth readerWhere stories live. Discover now