chapter 7. 60 days..

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“Mommy. Mommy, why do you look so sad? Did something happen to me?”  Kelsi replies “ No, it's just that Mommy is feeling sick, so I'm sad”. “Whoa. But you never become sick, right?” “Never become sick. Ha ha ha. But everyone becomes sick, Zane. It's quite normal.” says Kelsey.And see again “spoke Zene. We will be staying here for a while”. “Why ask, Zene “ Because this is our new room. Like, OK, like a doctor can come here, but don't mind them and let them know what changes you're feeling. OK, Jane”, “but I like my other room” . “Zene, if you obey the doctors, we can go back”.”Will we?” “Of course we will go back”  “When? Asked Zane Kelsey, feeling uncomfortable replies 60 days remain. “OK, that's too long. But you need to promise me something like insurance. You told me about that.So promise me you'll take me there”. “Yes. Yes, I promise, now I'll go to buy something for you. OK, You must be hungry, right?”  Kelsey. Slowly gets out and starts running, right?

                       Right then, she sees a beautiful fountain outside the hospital. She washed her face there and went out to buy her son’s meal. When she returned, she saw that people  in black suits had parked their car outside the hospital. She walks slowly and reaches the door of the hospital.And stares back at them. She sees that they were someone she knew .Hurriedly, she runs and shouts “Jane” in the hospital corridor as she reaches Him. She asks. “Zane. Did someone come here?” Ask Kelsey. “No, wait, Mommy, someone did come here,” replies Zane. “Who?” Asked Kelsey. “The doctors” replies to Zane as he laughs about it.”OK, that's good”. Says Kelsey. She looks out the window and she sees that those people in black suits are gone. 

           It was already 30 days since Zene had been admitted to the hospital, he was getting conscious of the atmosphere he was having around and he was certainly knowing that it is not.Quite normal. He started asking Kelsey questions about why the doctors keep visiting and asking about his health. He starts asking why his.Staying in a hospital? He asks his mother why  a nurse called him a patient. He becomes more conscious and his consciousness was causing Kelsey to feel more desperate.She was feeling quite bitter when she was lying to Zane telling everything was fine.She couldn't keep lying.As he continued to tell her how many days he had until he could go to home and see the present her mother brought him .He was quite excited about  what her mother got him as his present .She said it was quite special a few days ago before he fainted.He couldn't wait to see the present.In the end.

            “Zane food is ready. Let me feed you”.”No, mom, first tell me why this is happening to me”. “No, nothing is happening to you. Why are you suddenly sad?” “Mom, don't treat me like a kid. I mean, I know I'm a kid, but my legs aren't moving. Mom, what should I do? I want to go outside and play ball. I don't. I don't want to be trapped here.And why am I  a chair? Why do I need to use this chair? Why can't I stand up, Mom, tell me why won't my legs respond to me?” Asked Zane.It was not over for him. After a few more days, his hands, they couldn't move.A bit. “Please, mom. Why won't you tell me? Please. Why do you keep acting strange? Keep replying, Mom, please”. After a few more days, only after a few days, he was losing his control over his body parts. He was paralyzed. Half of his body had already been unconscious. All he could do was move his head. This was soon again stopped after a few days. The fear of him not knowing what sense he could lose next was even worst.Day by day, he felt the change. 

                              “Mom, please speak to me”.” I want to hear from you, I think. I think the next next is my ear. I don't. I don't want to lose my ear. I want to hear from you. Mom, please.” He cries as Kelsey sings him a lullaby.But who knew it was not his ears? What he could lose was more  valuable.

                          “Doctor, Doctor, the patient. The patient needs help”. The nurse runs out of the room of Zane as Kelsey goes out to bring his meal.When Kelsey returns.She sees that.Doctors were running around Zane. Zane was unconscious and she was told to go outside. 

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