Chapter 1 Abusive childhood

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The night grew more wild. Soon, animals started howling from a nearby jungle

Soon animals started howling from a nearby jungle.It was really dark.The night grew more cold.Two peoples were running out of breath on the highway which was close to a railway station.

       ..            “Common, we can still make it,” said a boy whose face was unclear. He was wearing black coat, enough to make him someone who can’t be seen in that dark night. Along with him, a girl who was frightened enough to tremble even when running like death is right after her.They held each other's hand in order to get out of their dark reality chaining them from freedom and happiness and that's when the girl remembers how they got in such a position.

“Kelsi,Kelsi,where are you?” cried a middle aged women.She was searching for a kid who was her granddaughter.Scared Kelsi was hiding under a kitchen table.That’s when her eyes saw the kitchen door opening with her scary grandma saying, “you are a bad child,i will have to punish you now,how dare you hide”. At that time Kelsi only wished that god would be kind enough to keep her hidden properly but of course her grandma was not a kind of person who would be bad at hide-and-seek. “Found you,why did you even try to hide…. you just made me tired,you know?” said the woman.

          Turns out Kelsi lost her mother during childbirth and her  father wouldn't forgive Kelsi as he thought she was the reason for it. Her grandma was also a kind of person with some physiological issues.For her Kelsi was nothing more than a lifeless human whom she would take her frustration out at everytime,she suffered from extreme headaches.So,Kelsi didn't had grandpa.When her grandpa died they told

 the police that he fell off the staircase mistakenly and fed the (police) with a bit of money.Even now Kelsi weeps for her grandpa who was the only kind person to her.She can’t forget the horrifying scene where her grandma pushed her grandpa for taking Kelsi’s side.As a result he fell off the staircase and it was enough to make a man in his 50’s to die.Talking about Kelsi’s father,he blamed Kelsi for his dearly wife’s departure hence Kelsi didn't get support from any side. 

                   Now,the grandma took her (Kelsi) to the basement where even a single ray of light couldn't enter easily. Kelsi trembled in fear.Grandma carried Kelsi and made her stand still.Kelsi also stood there grabbing her skirt till her knees.She knew she would even get killed as prey to anger like her old grandpa if she didn't do as she was told to.Her grandma took rod and beat Kelsi. She already had wounds from her beatings last week so her wounds started opening. She was bleeding. Tears shed and her eyes became red. She shouted and cried for mercy but none would hear it. She was in ‘that’ place afterall. Scars covered every inch of her body. She was thin and looked really weak but no one noticed it. Even if someone did, they would turn blind eye to her condition.After about hours her grandma went away. Kelsi sat on the floor crying even though her tears had finished.She knew even if she cries blood instead of tears her grandma wouldnt show any less of her merciless acts. She knew even if she cried blood instead of tears her father wouldn't forgive her for something that wasn't done by her in the first place. That was the life of Kelsi,getting beaten up and trying best to live as if she didn't exist in that big mansion where people had little hearts. Even the word ‘little’ is doubtful after knowing what Kelsi has to go through.Kelsi got up and went out to play with her best friend Jake.He  was the son of a maid who used to work  at her mansion. Kelsi’s family was rich but still, she wouldn't get proper three meals a day.

                                  Jake was tired of always watching Kelsey, who was suffering from her family's abuse. Kelsey never told or expressed her pain to Jake, but Jake had  enough brain to understand her situation. Days passed to become weeks and weeks passed to become months. Same months passed and now Kelsey was old enough to attend  school. Ofcourse, so-called her family wouldn't agree, actually they didn't care. Her grandma was afraid that Kelsey would open her mouth. And her dad? He didn't care. So Kelsi's Grandma didn't send Kelsey to any school. Even Jake started learning new things and more he learned about child abuse. He also learned how child abuse was strictly prohibited. He also gave  knowledge about her situation  to Kelsey, but Kelsey was more than afraid to talk any further on the topic he started. He guessed she had some grandma phobia. As Little Jake Only knew little bit of Kelsey’s suffering and he didn't know what she was really going through. It was not a matter of laughing. Poor  Kelsey was a pitiful creature who was always shown the worst part of her life. Her grandpa died and she blamed it all on herself. Her father now was a person who wouldn't care about anything. He would just sit in his bedroom looking through albums where he looked happy with his dear wife. He had forgotten to speak. The head of the house was grandmother due to Kelsey's father's condition. She blamed herself for it. She hated her existence, she hated the basement, and she had a phobia against any weapons inside the basement as they were only used for Kelsey's so-called lessons by her grandmother. She felt like a bird who was not trapped in a cage but wouldn't fly as its wings were taken away. Still crying through cold nights she blamed it all on herself. She only had Zake by her side. She didn't tell any of her problems to him, but she  somewhat felt relieved to have someone by her side. Jake was a kind person but he was still afraid of her grandma, as told Jake was the son of the maid who worked in that mansion. 

Did you notice the past form?Yes, Jake's mother used to work there. She passed away due to poor health. Grandma took Jake in her wings  is what the town’s people think, but Jake was only given a small room. Rain would make its way inside somehow he didn't get proper meals a day either. He wasn't allowed to go outside either, only to a government school.

                   Zake was forced to stay inside and it was because he knew about the relationship between Kelsey and her grandma. He never regretted it. He was happy to be by her [Kelsey]  side. He also loved her. He wanted to help her get out of that place, but he would never dare to do so. 

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