chapter 5. lies

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              It was now the second month since Kelsey was pregnant. Her belly has started to pop out, but she lied to her coworkers and superiors about her being pregnant.”What this belly Ohh. I'm not pregnant. I'm just having a rare disease called pseudocyesis.It is a condition where symptoms are exactly like pregnancy”, she added. “ It's also called fake pregnancy, he.ohh said becca yes it might even last for nine months i mean it is like pregnancy” kelsey replied as she giggles when returning kelsey goes to the hospital for ultrasound as it already had been more than 14 weeks since her pregnancy

                      “ Congratulations, it's a healthy baby boy”,  replied the doctor. “Really” said Kelsey with tears. “Yes, ma'am, I hope you make it through your pregnancy easily” sayed the worker. “Thank you”, Kelsey replies as she pays the bill. After that she thinks of a name for him “It's a name that could make me remember your father every time I call you. I can't wait to call you that”. Sicily.Kelsey gets up the next day and follows  the same routine. She lost her job at the factory as no one believed the fact that she wasn't pregnant.Now only her. It was only because the owner started to work there sometimes, so because she was friends with Kelsey  and believed  her lie about suffering through so-called disease pseudocyesis, so she used to wash dishes, serve dishes and  make dishes. Then get the day’s payment ,tips if the customers are generous, buy food and come home. Same routine continued and continued. Third month of her pregnancy started. She started vomiting, suffering from fatigue, consumption, heartburn, etc. She got through the 4th.More difficult, she couldn't breathe properly. Sometimes she could have shortness of breath while the other times he used to breathe faster. She even had nose bleeds and nasal stuffiness which made it hard for her to take air. In the 5th month dizziness was added. Gum bleeding was also happening.But still, she kept her cool and went to work because Becca became suspicious and searched the disease online. Yep, she found it. She felt relieved. She read the article and then went over to Kelsey. “Hey, I misunderstood you. I mean, you couldn't lie to me, right? I'm sorry”. “Ohh, that's OK, replied”. Kelsey , she was feeling good  since such a disease existed . “Thank God I chose it to replace my pregnancy”, she thought. She finished her work and brought her favorite instant noodles and some carrots. Kelsey went home and ate a delicious meal which had lots of proteins. She took good care of herself  because she believed that she was sharing her body with her own baby boy, 

                                   Unfortunately she sees that her grandma's screaming in her dream with bloody hands.Now kelsi have taken this seriously. She can't help but wonder why she was shown the same thing again and again. She walked to job and came home and ate and slept. But she had the same dreams, at first she sees warm, lovely and fuzzy memories of Kelsey with.Maria when Kelsey was small, then again she dreams the bloody thing she was having these nightmares. It was now the 8th month of her pregnancy,  Dan, he could have helped her, but he was not in the rose woods. He  had to fly to Japan to save his business. Those  eight months she suffered from a lot of  pain. She  wanted to cook something but all she had was noodles and other junk. Even if she raised her hopes and started to cook a rice, mixed sandwich or  soup, she could get exhausted midway.If she tried more, she could feel dizzy and nauseous . “Only if you were still alive”,Kelsi could say this twice a day and wet her eyes  . Who knew pregnancy would be this hard? She could  say, but still she was clinging onto the feeling that her luck was gonna change. When nights  grew cold, she 'd sit down at the table and tell herself that it's alright. She comforted herself thinking when the baby came , she could  never be alone and on the cold night she'd have someone to hold soon. It was getting hard for her and she was super tired all the time and was having more difficulty breathing. Also,  when she tried to sleep the posture could hurt her, she rolled left to right and right to left to get to sleep. But the long night ended so quickly that she couldn't get a wink of sleep with the dark circles around her eyes and a  sore face. Anyone who saw her could not identify her as a cute Kelsi with platinum blonde gold like  hair and blue eyes where if people looked they’d feel like they’d sink and drowsy and die in the same ocean like blue  eyes Kelsey didn't mind the change in her appearance. In fact, she was happy that she got to feel that pain. She was happy that this time it was not pain because someone harassed her, but because someone's trying to come into that cruel world for her to be with her,  soon enough it was already 40th week of pregnancy.Kelsey took few days race to help herself with pregnancy.One day on her 41st  week. Her labor ever broke out.And thank goodness.Hotel manager resume.Saw her.And took her to the hospital.Reason was going to retire that day.And she coincidentally happened to.Seed As a woman with three children, she understood the situation and could take the action.Faster.So she took Kelsey to the nearest hospital. 

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