Chapter 7

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If you read Likeable complications you'll know what I mean in a bit for what a character says, also the TGCF characters already reacted to the rest of the future


Insert NotDash snoring loudly

"So, what do we do now?" Shi Qingxuan asks as everyone was basically bored of there mind while Qi Rong was the only one struggling with NotDash sleeping on top of him

"There is a note if no one noticed" Jun Wu says, already knowing nobody noticed but kept quiet for a while until now

"I'l read it" Xie Lian says as he gets up and takes the note

"It says, we are now moving onto something called Heaven Official's Blessing Reincarnated, basically what you just watched but changing up many scenes, new characters, more relationships and topics, you name it, sit back and we can begin" Xie Lian reads, making everyone wonder what possibly could be after this other than going home

"This better be interesting" Jun Wu says as he sits back

The Ancient Moon Scroll

A tail of a God unlike any other, the god thrived in the night and helped those in they dreams, for the night itself is a sight to behold

The stories are a lie, for they only tell of what the god is in his female form, a sorry with his male form is of but a misfortune for what it is not

"This is interesting so far, who is this Moon God? Gah, got me intrigued!" Nan Feng said and yelled

The god was mysterious indeed, but one man knew who the male god truly was yet the scroll was supposedly burned in a terrible fire where the writer had lied and died in

The god was seen from the children of the night, for the children started chatter of him, a great, great alicorn, one of a ruler, for his female form is called Nightmare Moon, though she brings no nightmares she fends them off, for she is also known as Ying Yue, The God Of The Moon, a well known God in Heaven


It was a peaceful day in Heaven, everyone going on about and minding their own business

"Interesting...I am indeed intrigued with this new god" Jun Wu thinks, staring at the screen intensely, making everyone worry

As everyone was going on about the Heavenly Officials were...In an uproar, saying such things as

"Why were we called?"

"It's something important obviously!"

"Then what is it?"


"Idiots" Hua Cheng says as Xie Lian just sighs, making Hua Cheng smile innocently

As the Heavenly Officials argue at why they were called Jun Wu would slam the side of his fist onto the arm rest of his throne before speaking

"That's enough" Jun Wu says, making the Official's quiet

"It's scary to see our Lord angry.." Shi Qingxuan says with a shudder

"You think that's scary?" Qi Rong says before starting to laugh

"I called you all here to go watch some..Mortals, I will have some of you get a scroll and divide into teams, the reason is because these specific mortals have been trying to to find a way up here, I want you to stop them, now go" Jun Wu says, making the Heavenly Officials bow there heads before leaving

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