Chapter 3

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"Alright your break is over"

"I'm not listening to you guys bicker so let's move on" NotDash says as she turned to the screen along with everyone else

Meeting at YuJun mountain (1)

On YuJun mountain as the red garage made it's way slowly in the night with the crescent moon shining above, a faint child's voice was heard as it sung

"Hehehe...Newlywed bride, newlywed bride, newlywed bride stop the bridal PalanQuin...Tears flowing, when passing the mountain. Smile not under the veil..." The child's voice sung

"A sound of a child singing...Is it a child spirit?" Xie Lian thought to himself as he sat straight with his hands on his knees

"...It stopped. It must have been some wind mountain spirit or something" Xie Lian thought to himself once again before hearing a giggle, just then the red curtain lifted up

"Your highness I don't think it was wind.." Fu Yao says as he stared at him

Xie Lian got started as the red curtain was lifted as he watched a hand reach out towards him with a red string in offering

Xie Lian hesitated at first before taking the man's hand and being pulled out of the carriage soon after

The crescent moon shined down as some of it was covered with clouds as jingling of bells were heard and Xie Lian was led by the mysterious man in red

"You were with Crimson Rain Sought Flower!?" Nan Feng and Fu Yao yelled at the same time as everyone else stared at Xie Lian and Hua Cheng in shock

"Is he the Ghost Groom? Nan Feng and Fu Yao are currently following that punk...I don't think I can fight him with the little cultivation powers I have. For now, I'll just go along with him." Xie Lian thought to himself as the two kept walking, not long did Xie Lian see a skull

"The way that skull has been placed...It must be the corner of a barrier formation, this is probably a formation placed apon YuJun mountain by the Ghost Groom-" Xie Lian thought before, CRUNCH!!, the skull was broken under the man's foot, making Xie Lian surprised

"It was broken so easily...'This person isn't the Ghost Groom'. Who exactly is he?" Xie Lian wondered

"Alrighty you little peeps, it's time for an hour break!"

"It was getting interesting though-" Pei Ming says before becoming nervous and shutting up as NotDash glared at him

"Well deserved" Everyone except for Pei Ming thought to themselves

"Alright I'll go get snacks for you guys to munch on for the next hour" She says as she left


Done with another chapter! This one was much shorter than the last two but I hope you enjoyed it!!

Done with another chapter! This one was much shorter than the last two but I hope you enjoyed it!!

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