Chapter 1

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"What is this!? When did we get here!!?" A man yelled, knowing to be no other than Qi Rong as he looked around along with the other heavenly officials, heavenly Emperor and the ghost king as they were all cautious

As they all looked around beautifully decorated room they see a TV with a note stuck to it, Pei Ming decided to be the brave one and walked over to the TV and grabbed the note before reading "To everyone in the room, hello I am _NOT-BlitzAzalisDash_ but please call me NotDash, you are here to react to yourselves and a reincarnated version of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng's story, please sit pack on the huge couch or chairs and enjoy and I will come later on" He read as they all looked at eachother with tense glances

"Why would someone bring us here to react to us?" Shi Qingxuan asks, confused at the note

"You heard what Pei Ming said, it's revolved around Xianle and Crimson Rain Sought Flower" Jun Wu says calmly, as he sat down on the huge couch as some of the others also sat down along with him

Xie Lian laughed nervously as he sat on the couch as the rest of the heavenly officials including Qi Rong sat in the chairs as Hua Cheng stood behind Xie Lian

Everyone watched as the huge TV turned on and was now playing what they had in store in the future

Night Discussion at Nan Yang (1)

"Nan Yang you say?" Pei Ming says with a smirk, wondering what the future has in store

Ling Wen stared at Pei Ming for a moment before sighing and shaking her head in disappointment before staring at the TV screen again

The sky was dark and the crescent moon shined down, making everything glow softly as a man walking by thought "The weather is really dry! Be mindful of wildflires!" The man thought as he passed the temple

Meanwhile in the temple there was discussion "Over the last 100 years seventeen brides have successively disappeared while they were on their way to get married in the YuJun mountain area" A man said, sounding like Xie Lian

"Probably because it is his highness" Nan Feng and Fu Yao said at the same time

"Among the missing brides, some are poor some are rich, some are beautiful some are ugly, there's no pattern to the disappearnces" Says Xie Lian as Nan Feng and Fu Yao sat next to him

"Thought so" Fu Yao said as he stared at the screen as he new it was Xie Lian talking

"The last bride that disappeared is the daughter of a government official, her father offered a large amount of gold as a reward and performed fervent rituals alarming the heavenly court" He says as Nan Feng chewed on a piece of apple

"If no one has seen the thing that's been doing all of this evil deeds, how do they know if it's male or female? How can they say it's a 'Ghost' groom? Isn't their conclusion a bit rash?" Fu Yao says

"Yes future me it is" Fu Yao says while nodding at himself as Nan Feng face palmed

"Yes, what your saying makes a lot of sense, in the end 'Ghost Groom' is simply a name mortals use" Xie Lian says as the door to the temple doors open as a lady walks in and bows, meanwhile Xie Lian pushed Nan Feng and Fu Yao away

"This humble maiden, Xiao Ying prays to General Nan Ying for protection, may the real Ghost Groom be caught soon, and may the innocent no longer be implicated by the recent events." She says as she rises up but stays sitting down as Fu Yao looked at her and Nan Feng kept eating away at the apple

"Too ugly" Fu Yao says as Xie Lian looked at him

"Fu Yao, you can't say that about a girl." Xie Lian says as Nan Feng still kept crunching away on the apple

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