Hyrule Castle Town

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Over the next few weeks the team that I had tasked with rebuilding Hyrule Castle Town set to work on construction. Now, where had once been crumbling ruins was the beginnings of a new start. A new town square had sprung up, along with a few houses. We had decided to model the new homes after the buildings in Hateno village, as they had a very sturdy and spacious design. Many young men had signed up to join the army and were arriving here from all over to settle nearby or in the town.

At the end of the day, I left the castle and walked into town to check the progress of the buildings. As I walked down the street, I spotted one of my newly appointed Sergeants, Zotilph, walking home. As he approached the lovely, newly built cottage, a beautiful young woman stepped out of the front door and ran to him. He scooped her up and kissed her as she giggled.

A little knot formed in my stomach. I often tried to ignore my desire for things such as love and marriage, but seeing a couple so in love made me feel jealous. And lonely.


I smiled a bit as I watched Sergeant Zotilph laugh and spin his wife around. Suddenly, an image popped into my head. The same scene, but spinning around in a blue-clad figure's arms was a beautiful blonde, with sparkling eyes like emeralds. I could hear her musical laugh echo in my mind.

I shook it from my head. It was an impossible dream.

I followed Zelda through the town. As the sun went down, painting the sky in fiery colours, my ears caught a sound behind us. I whipped around just as a monster leaped out from behind a building and flew through the air - straight towards Zelda. I heard a cry behind me as Zelda was charged by a second monster. Cutting the first one down midair, I turned around and ran my sword through the second one, spraying blood everywhere. Zelda screamed and collapsed to the ground, her face splattered with red.

I heard doors open as men rushed outside. "What is going on here?" someone's gruff voice shouted behind me. Several swords were drawn as men came out to investigate.

I rushed to Zelda, who sat shaking on the ground. Her body was covered in dirt and blood, and I could hear her crying. "Not again," she mumbled to herself. Scooping her up, I rushed toward the nearest open door, where Sergeant Zoltiph's wife beckoned us inside.

 Walking into the cozy, warm house, I followed her to the nearest bed and she beckoned me to set Zelda down. I laid her down carefully, resting her head on the pillows. "Breathe, Your Majesty. You're safe here," Camei - the wife - said, rushing off to grab something.

"My Queen," I said as she held herself, crying. "Zelda," I whispered, sitting on the bed. She surprised me by burying her face in my tunic.

"I'm s-sorry," she choked out. "I don't know w-what happened. I don't know why I'm s-so upset."

Camei came back and handed me a damp cloth. I wrapped my arm around Zelda's shoulder and wiped the blood from her face gently, soaking up her tears as well. I hated to see her cry. "You're safe, Zelda." In a quieter tone I whispered, "I won't ever let anything hurt you. I promise."

"I don't understand," she breathed. "I should be able to protect myself. B-But I seem to have lost the ability. I don't know what happened to me."

I hugged her, savouring her closeness, and feeling guilty for doing so.

Camei spoke up. "It is a long walk back to the castle, and it's dark. You are welcome to stay in our second room."

Zelda lifted her head. "Oh, no, we couldn't impose-"

"It would be an honour to serve you, My Queen."

Zelda sighed, defeated. "Thank you for your kindness."

Camei helped Zelda to her room, and I trailed behind. I stood guard outside the door. When Camei exited the room, I knocked on the wooden door. Zelda bid me softly to come in. She sat on the small bed, half covered by blankets. Her golden hair was loosely braided and she wore a long nightgown.

"Will you be alright?" I asked her quietly.

She hesitated. "Well, yes - only - what about you? You must be tired. You need to sleep-"

"I'll be fine, Your Majesty. Your safety is more important than a few hours of rest."


"Don't worry about me. This is what I'm here for. Hyrule needs their queen to be safe."

She sighed. "If you insist."

I nodded and turned around. "I'll be right outside if you need me, My Queen."

Just as I closed the door, I heard a soft voice. "I wish you would call me Zelda."

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