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I sat in front of my dressing table mirror and stared at myself in the mirror, frustrated. It was late, and I was eager to get to bed, but there was this bothersome knot in my hair that I was - unsuccessfully - trying to untangle.

I tried again to dislodge it, once again unsuccessful when I felt a few strands snap. "Ugh!" I fumed, bringing my fist down on the table with a crash.

I heard the door open and looked over my shoulder to see Link peek in. I sighed and turned to put my head in my hands, embarrassed for him to have witnessed my little tantrum. I heard his soft footsteps getting closer until he stopped behind me. I turned my head a little in his direction. "Sorry," I whispered apologetically. I was really stressed - the people needed so much more than I could give them. I missed my father. He would know how to handle all this. "I suddenly understand why he was so hard on me." I sighed and shook my head. "I don't know how to do this. He was right."

My heartbeat sped up as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "You're doing your best, and that's more than anyone could ask for. You pressure yourself too much."

I gave him a tired smile. Link stepped away, returning a moment later with a soft white blanket, which he draped over my shoulders. My heartbeat quickened again as he placed his nimble fingers in my hair and started working on the tangle. It was calming; the gentle way in which he combed his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes . . . just for a moment's rest . . .


Zelda's hair was the softest thing I'd ever touched. I fingered the long, silky strands. The cascading tendrils shone in the shafts of moonlight coming in through the window.

Pull yourself together, Link. I chided myself. It had been a bad idea to come over here. But she sounded so upset. I just had to help.

I worked at the knot until every hair was loose. It was only then that I realised Zelda was fast asleep. My hand moved up to tap her shoulder, but I stopped. She looked so peaceful. There was no reason to wake her. I tied her hair in a loose braid down her back. Then, with care, I picked her up and placed her on the bed. I covered her with the thick blankets. The castle tended to get cold at night.

I turned to leave the room, blowing out the candles and closing the curtains as I went.

At the door, I looked back to where she lay. It was hard to see in the dark, but I could've sworn she was smiling.

Duty or Devotion? A Zelink FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now