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Zelda sat regally on her throne as representatives gathered from towns all over Hyrule to discuss how to go about rebuilding what had been lost. Prince Sidon was here representing Zora's Domain, Riju was here as chief of the Gerudo, Teba came in place of the Rito's leader, and Yunabo represented Goron city. There were also people here from Hateno, Tarrey Town, Kakariko Village, and Lurelin.

The circular throne room was full of people around the edges, and everyone seemed to have something to say. Nobody was asking their Queen about anything.

"We need more men to help tear down those ancient cities!" someone yelled.

"You have enough manpower! It's us who need extra men! Our cities are still being attacked by monsters!"

"But you have--"

I'd had it. "ENOUGH!" I shouted, stepping forward from Zelda's side. The room was stunned to silence. I'd never raised my voice like that before. "Show your queen some respect," I said quietly.

Zelda rose from her throne and stepped to the railing, addressing the people before her. "I need able-bodied men. Any age, any race. As many as are available." She looked around the room, acknowledging everyone standing before her. "I will send them out to each region according to the needs of each settlement and the skill sets of the men."

The crowd nodded, finally acknowledging her respectfully. "I would like you each to tell me - in an orderly manner - the nature of your needs as it relates to the damage caused by the Calamity. Starting with Prince Sidon."

Sidon stepped forward and bowed, flashing his charming, sharp-toothed smile. "Forgive our disrespect, Your Majesty."

As each representative listed their concerns, I watched Zelda's face. She seemed a little unsure. A little nervous. But to anyone else, she would've looked perfectly sure of herself. I watched her take a deep breath and nod to a scribe, who scribbled on his paper furiously.

Her skin glowed. Her golden hair flowed down her back like a waterfall. Her green eyes shone in the sunlight filtering through the windows. Surrounded by the beautiful architecture of the throne room and dressed in her royal blue gown, she looked regal. And beautiful.

I shook that thought away.

The meeting went on for another hour or so, and Zelda handled it beautifully. She really cared for her people, and she handled each complaint with grace.

The research she'd done was finally being used to her advantage. I'd seen her in the library slaving over new technological designs. I hardly knew anything about ancient technology, but I could listen to her talk about her ideas all day.

Finally, the meeting was dismissed. The representatives filed out of the room, presumably headed toward the dining room.

I walked forward as Zelda leaned on the railing and put her head in her hand. I saw a small tear drop from her eyes and splashed against the cold stone. She turned pleading eyes to me. "I can't do this," she whispered, her voice cracking. "I tried my best, but I haven't the faintest idea where to start."

I placed a hand on her shoulder, but it didn't quell the sobs she was fighting to quell. Without thinking, I took her hand and pulled her gently into my arms.


I stiffened in surprise as Link pulled me into his arms. As I felt his strong arms wrap around me, I felt an overwhelming sense. I didn't know what it was, but it caused me to weep even more. I buried my face into his chest. His scent was musky, like the smell of fresh soil and wood. He stood there, holding me, letting my tears soak through his tunic.

No. This was wrong. But I couldn't leave the comfort of his arms. I couldn't bring myself to leave when I could pretend that someone truly loved me.

Link didn't. His duty was to the crown. And the crown was me.

But it could never be anything else.

I finally pulled back, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Forgive me."

"Don't apologize," he said softly, gazing down at me with his deep blue eyes.

The feeling came over me again, and I dropped my gaze and turned away.


I watched as Zelda turned away from me. A small pain shot through my chest. But, I kept my stoic expression as I turned to follow her.

For the rest of the night, I watched as she spoke with such grace and wisdom. Any man would be lucky to have her, I thought. But...that man wouldn't be me. It couldn't be.

At the end of the night, far past sundown, I escorted Zelda back to her bedroom. She walked to the door and opened it. One hand still on the door, she glanced back at me. Her mouth opened a bit, but she snapped it shut and swooped into the room, closing the door gently behind her.

I took my position outside her door and prepared myself for a long night of thought.

Duty or Devotion? A Zelink FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now