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Sitting at her family's table, Reagan stares off into the distance. "You doin' alright?" Lip asks, placing an arm around his sister's shoulder. Reagan smiles and looks up at him, saying, "I'm good. You?".

Lip pats her shoulder and says, "I'm getting there.". The girl nods and notices Ian out of the corner of her eye. "I'm gonna go check on Ian.".

She pours a cup of fruit punch and goes over to her older brother, who's standing in the kitchen. "I like your suit." She says, handing the boy the drink.

He looks down at her, trying to smile. "I like your dress.". Reagan smiles, as she runs her hand along the front of her white dress. She says, "Karen bought it for me.".

Ian rolls his eyes, as he says, "No wonder it's open back.". The girl laughs and intertwines her arm with his.

"I love you." She says, looking at her brother. A smile creeps onto his face. The first smile since Debbie's death. He says, "I love you too, kid.".

Reagan watches Kev place a hot turkey on the table, as a pattern of knocks sounds through the door before Karen and Gio come in.

"Wanna go watch a movie?" Reagan asks, but Ian shakes his head. He says, "I'm coming off of a hangover right now. Plus, Gio's looking lonely over there.".

Ian gestures over to Gio, who's already made his way to the table. Reagan nods and smiles, as she walks over to the boy. It had been a week since they had last seen each other.

"Giovanni!" The girl exclaims, as walks up to him. Gio smiles and says, "Hey! I haven't seen you in a while.". She grabs the boy's hand and pulls him up from his seat.

She leads him to the kitchen, where only Ian is. "I'm new at this." Reagan says, causing a confused expression to infect Gio's face.

"At what?" The boy asks. Reagan blushes as she says, "This whole... crush thing.". Gio shakes his head, laughing as he asks, "You have a crush on me?".

Reagan rolls her eyes and steps closer to him. She says, "I'm not good at playing the whole girlfriend act. I've never done it before.".

Gio glances at red headed girl. Her hair was pinned up into a bun, and pearls were placed in it. He says, "You don't have to do anything.".

The boy leans in close to her and presses his lips against hers. He pulls Reagan close to him, but she's quickly pulled away by a greater force.

"Don't kiss my sister in front of me." Ian says with a look of disgust on his face. Reagan rolls her eyes and asks, "Is Mickey coming over?".

A look of disappointment flashes over Ian's face before he takes another sip of his beer. Reagan opens the fridge and grabs a a drink for her, Lip, and Gio.

"You drink?" Gio asks, confused. The girl shrugs and says, "It's Thanksgiving. And my mom's here.".

Reagan points to the blonde woman who's crying at the table. She's sitting across from Carl, who's also wearing a look of sadness all over his face. This was Thanksgiving without Debbie.

"You gonna' join us?" Reagan asks her brother. Ian shakes his head and says, "Save me a seat.".

Gio grabs the girl's hand and she leads him to the table. She sits in between Carl and Gio, and across from Monica.

"Mom?" She says, trying to get the woman's attention. Monica looks up at the young teen. Reagan tries to smile, as she says, "This is Gio. He's my..."

"I'm her boyfriend." Gio says, reaching his hand out. The woman stares at him, but Lip says, "It's no use. When she's off of her meds she's not even listening.".

The boy pulls his arm back to his side and Monica turns to Ian, who's just sat down. "I'm going to go wash my hands.".

Ian watches her walk to the kitchen, before turning to Reagan. "Wanna go watch a movie after dinner? Gio can come too.".

"What movie?" The girl asks curiously. Honestly, Reagan would watch any movie with Ian. She just wanted to spend time with her brother.

"Catching Fire." Ian says, leaning forward, "Take it or leave it.". The girl pretends to think for a second before saying, "Movie marathon. Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay!".

Ian smiles a bit, as Gio says, "Part one and part two!". The oldest teen sticks out his arm and shakes the two younger teen's hands to make a deal.

Reagan begins to speak, but she's interrupted by a loud thud that comes from the kitchen. "Mom?" She calls out, not waiting for a response before she runs from her seat.

The woman lays on the ground in a pool of blood. Her shirt was soaked, and there was a knife next to her.

Reagan rips off her white sweater. The same sweater that Ian had given her. She leans over her mother and tries to stop the bleeding.

Although the girl's covered in blood, Lip picks her up into the air. Jimmy quickly comes to Monica's aid and Fiona's on the phone.

Reagan kicks the boy that's holding her and doesn't stop until he lets go. The girl takes a few steps back, as a scene folds out in front of her.

Her family cries while her mother is on the ground. The ambulance doesn't arrive in time. Monica's dead and Reagan never felt guilty.

"Rae, hand me a towel!" Jimmy yells... which snaps Reagan back into reality. She throws the man a towel and looks over at Karen, whose water has just broke.

SHE DIES IN THE END // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now