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"What the hell happened to you?" Debbie yells at her sister. She was mad. But Debbie was always mad recently. Reagan wasn't in any mood to fight. So she started crying. And Debbie's heart softened.

"Reagan, I didn't mean to yell at you." Debbie says. She pulls her sister into a hug and says, "I'm sorry.". Debbie had never apologized to Reagan before. Her older sister says, "Fiona's going to be the death of me.".

The young girl nods her head and Debbie says, "I've never hated you. You just... stress me out sometimes.". Reagan looks at her confused. She's stressed her sister out? Debbie says, "You have so much to do and I have nothing ahead of me. You're going to go far.".

Reagan smiles at her sister, but Debbie falls back. Her body collapses onto the floor and Reagan's body freezes. Everyone else was downstairs and she couldn't scream. Reagan couldn't get up or call her name.

Her sister's eyes flicked open and shut. Reagan pounces towards her and shakes her. "Debs... wake up." She begs. Debbie doesn't even move. Reagan checks for a pulse on her sister's neck. Nothing. "DEBBIE!" she screams, "Come on, wake up you idiot!".

Reagan's eyes fill with tears. She places her head onto her sister's chest, but she's pulled away from her as her older brother's enter their room. "Debbie?" Lip asks, trying to get his sister to wake up. Carl was too scared to move and Ian was starting to cry. Reagan was bawling her eyes out.

Lip was dialing 911. Carl was scared. Ian was crying. Reagan couldn't feel anything. They were all staring at the lifeless body of Debbie Gallagher.

"Fiona killed her." Reagan manages to cry out. "No. No! Fiona wouldn't of hurt Debbie!" Lip says in denial. There were ambulance sirens outside and the front door was being knocked down. "It was Fiona!" Reagan chokes. Paramedics surround the children and Ian pulls his screaming sister back as they pick Debbie's body up.

They throw her into a bag. Debbie Gallagher. Gone.

"Ian... she's gone." Reagan says, looking up at her brother. They both had tears in their eyes. "This is my fault. I stressed her out too much." She cries. Lip shakes his head. He says, "It's not your fault Rae." he was crying at this point now, too.

SHE DIES IN THE END // shamelessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant