pretty isn't pretty

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It was the prime of Summer. The Gallaghers had their pool set up and they were playing chicken with the neighbors. V was in Kev's shoulders and Reagan was on Lip.

"Don't get your cast wet!" Fiona reminds her. She was happy, for once... and being nice to Reagan. The young girl lifts up her arm and shows that her purple cast is wrapped in a bag to protect it from the water.

V smiles and says, "oh, you're going down Gallagher!" Reagan laughs and throws out her arms to push Veronica. She pretends to wobble before falling off of her husband's shoulders. Kev high fives the girl and Lip throws her off of his shoulders.

She laughs and Lip says, "look who's here!". Leo was walking towards the pool. Lip hops out over the wall and hugs his friend to get him wet. "Not cool, bro!" the boy laughs.

He spots Reagan and smiles. Leo messes up her wet red hair and says, "what's up, little sun!". He had called her that since she was little. Reagan was everyone's ray of sunshine.

Lip grabs his towel and wipes his face. He looks up and sees an angry Karen Jackson walking towards him. "Hey, you okay?" he asks concerned. Before she says anything, she slaps him across the face.

Without thinking, Reagan yells, "showdown!". Ian rushes out of the pool as Karen kicks his brother over, making him fall to the ground in pain.

"Why was Mandy Milkovich at my house... trying to screw Jodie!" she yells and kicks his. Fiona gets in between them and Ian grabs Karen by the arms to hold her back. Leo helps Reagan out of the pool and wraps a towel around her.

"He told me what happened. Stay away from me, stay away from Jodie, and don't come near this baby!" she screams. Baby? Nobody was speaking. Reagan was staring at her in shock and Ian was looking back at Rae.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・

"Out of milk. Bev needs breakfast." Carl says and takes Ian's bowl of cereal out of his hands. Reagan slides her bowl across the counter to him and he says, "Carl, give me my breakfast back!".

Reagan rolls her eyes. She says, "stop complaining and just take mine. I'm not hungry anyway.". The girl could not fathom how her brother could get a girl pregnant.

To be honest she wasn't shocked. And she knew that she shouldn't care because it was Lip's problem, but Debbie was pregnant. This family couldn't handle another baby.

Carl chases his friend out the front door and Reagan pulls something out of her pocket. She places it on the counter and Ian's heart drops. His eyes open wide and she says, "calm down! I think it's Fiona's.". She had found a positive pregnancy test in the trash can upstairs.

"It's none of our business though," she says, "and I'm going over to Lindsay's.". Ian looks confused. He says, "I thought we didn't like Lindsay.". Reagan shakes her head. She says, "Diego wants to hang out.".

Without any further conversation she puts her shoes on and runs out the front door. Before she can turn out of her front yard she sees her brother being thrown onto the ground. Reagan rolls her eyes before running over to him and begins to throw her hands on the boy. She knew it wasn't a good idea, especially with her cast. But only she could hurt Carl!

"Are you guys really this stupid?" she asks in between punches. It was the same kids she'd injured a few months before. Except this time it didn't take them long to flip her over and leave her defenseless.

Carl was lying in pain and couldn't get up. Reagan feels a blow to her stomach and one to her face... right above her eye and on her eyebrow. "You like this, huh, Gallagher?" one boy asks. He bashes her head against the wire fence and spits on her bleeding brother before running down the street.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・

"So are we gonna talk about what happened?" Lip asks. He was sitting on the windowsill and lights a cigarette. He hands it to Ian and Reagan shakes her head. It wasn't a rare event for Rae to come home battered and bruised with cuts on her face.

She takes a sip of her water and says, "a couple of boys were hurting Carl so I stepped in. It's not a big deal!". Ian shakes his head and puts an arm around the girl. She was sitting in the corner of his bed that hit the wall. He says, "considering that this is your second fight in a week... and now you have a black eye, I'm just a little bit concerned!".

Reagan rolls her eyes and Lip says, "come on! we tell each other everything... right?". She looks over at Ian and says, "yeah. like how Ian didn't tell me that he's screwing Mickey?".

"I was going to tell you-" Ian says, but he's cut off. Reagan says, "or how Lip got Karen pregnant when he told me that he had stopped seeing her.". She pushes Ian off of her and gets up. She says, "look, I get that maybe I'm not a Gallagher, but you don't have to keep secrets and keep treating me like I'm ten!".

Lip wanted to tell her that she was a Gallagher. She was their best friend and that they didn't mean to keep secrets from her. He wanted to make everything better and he had noticed how she had been acting different since Monica came back. Especially... since she left again, but he just sat there and watched as Ian followed after her.

SHE DIES IN THE END // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now