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Nobody's saying our neighborhood is the Garden of Eden. Hell, some people say God avoids this place all together. But it's been a good home to us, to me and my kids, who I'm proud of, 'cause every single one of them reminds me a little bit of me.

Fiona, my rock, huge help. Has all the best qualities of her mother, except she's not a raging psycho.

Lip, smart as a whip. Straight As and the honor roll -, boy's definitely going somewhere.

Ian, industrious, conscientious, ambitious, incredible work ethic. Don't have a clue where he got that from. Wants to be a paratrooper. Knows how to disembowel an enemy with a roll of dimes and an old gym sock.

Reagan, my ray of sunshine. That's why we call her Rae. Her dedication's incredible. Once wouldn't stop doing cartwheels until Fiona was convinced to put her in gymnastics. Has the best features of both Ian and Monica.

Carl. I don't really know much about Carl. Loves animals. Always dragging home some poor stray he found, taking them up to his room.

Debbie, an angel sent by God! Raises money for UNICEF year-round, some of which she actually turns in.

Liam, going to be a star. I'm no biologist, but he looks a bit like my first sponsor. He and the ex were close.

And me, Frank Gallagher, father, teacher, mentor, captain of our little ship.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"7:15 monkeys, come on!" Fiona calls from outside the door. Reagan shifts over as Carl kicks her legs and she gets up.

Lip hops down from the top bunk and messes Reagan's hair up with his hand. Ian yells, "First shower!" and runs towards the bathroom. He grabs the door and pulls it shut as Lip complains and says, "You had it yesterday!".

Reagan walks past him and he asks, "Feeling any better?" as he looks down at the blue cast on her arm. She says, "Yeah, but Carl keeps kicking me. I didn't sleep much.".

Reagan shared a room with Lip, Ian, and Carl because Fiona said there wasn't enough room in the house. Ian had his own bed and Reagan shared the bottom bunk with Carl. Lip was on the top.

She gets dressed and heads downstairs to the kitchen. Before she can sit down Ian swoops her onto his back and places her in a chair next to Debbie. Fiona hands her a box and says, "Electric". She puts her money in and passes it around the table.

"No!" Fiona says when it gets to Carl. She says, "You've got a happy meal on that shirt.". She flips it inside out and puts it back on the boy.

Reagan sees that Carl didn't contribute to the electric bill and says, "You're thirteen. You have to start contributing your own weight!".

"Like a real job." Lip tells him. He says, "Not just dipping into the collection plate at Saint Tim's.". Fiona sits down with Liam in her arms and says, "I'm filling in for Candy tonight, but somebody's got to take Liam.".

Reagan, Lip, and Ian all get up from the table and start pouring out excuses. Lip says, "Ive got a calculus test." She looks at Ian and he says, "I can't I'm working after school.".

Reagan says, "I have gymnastics.". Fiona says, "No! You're not getting injured again.". She says, "Fiona! They'll kick me off the team if I miss a practice.". "Okay, fine!" Fiona says. Reagan gives her older sister a smile and takes her backpack from Lip.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Reagan turns the corner as Carl trails behind her. She says, "Hurry up!". The younger boy yells at her, "Shut up!". Carl, of course, was dragging a dead squirrel behind him.

SHE DIES IN THE END // shamelessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt