17: For Love

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3rd person pov:

As both stand in the dojo, ready to start. Each are chang8ng stances in prediction of the other. A metal battle starts before blades ever meet. Then, Touya inches his foot forward. Causing shoto to rush in.

With an upper block from Shoto's downward slash. Touya pushes him back. Then, he attacks Shoto's left side. Both block one another repeatedly. Not laying a single scratch.

Tou:"Looks like someone's been practicing. I'm surprised they ever gave you the time. Being the youngest means you'll have no real worth to the family."

Sho:"Says the one who will end our family bloodline. I did you a favor. You should be thanking me."

Tou:"Thanks for burning me and hurting my lover."

Touya growls in sarcasm when he spoke. Then, he moves in closer. So shoto trips him. As touya falls. The sword comes D own. So touya guards and rolls until he can stand up again.

Tou:"Dirty tricks won't get you victory."

Sho:"No, but this will."

Shoto throws some same from his pocket towards Touya's eyes.

Even with his eyes closed. Touya evades each attack my listening to the creeking of the floor.

When shoto cries out in an attack. Touya swings and cuts Shoto's side.

When the dust clears. Shoto is on his knees from the pain.

Tou:"True samurai won't falter from a scratch like that."

Touya points his katana at Shoto's neck.

Tou:"You've lost. Any last words?"

Shoto growls as touya draws back.


Keigo has been helped by magne to walk.

Kei:"Make an example out of him. Death would be an honor he doesn't deserve. I know he's your brother, but it would send a deeper message to the people."

Tou:"If he lives. He could attack us again."

Kei:"Not unless you take something precious."

Keigo holds up a thumb and his shirt reveals the tatoos.

Touya puts his sword away and guards drag shoto away.

By mid day the next following day. Everyone 8n kyoto is asked to attend Shoto's sentencing.

When people arrive. They see shoto tied to a cross in the palace yard. 

Beside touya is keigo who is sitting down.

Tou:"Today is the day that the todoroki line ends. As a knew Ara is apon us. First is what to do with my brother. He's been secretly behind the reasent drama in the capital. From trying to assassinate me, to hiring men to kill our family in order to gain power. Now he has drown in his own thirst. Three things will happen as punishment. One for family, another for civilians, and finally, for ruining a good samurai reputation. For attacking the people. You are to be castrated. Your seed won't create a cycle of revenge that would harm others. For the crime against destroying Keigo takami's honor. I'll be taking the tips of your thumbs. So you'll never hold another blade. Finally for killing our family. You will reserve the punishment of irony."

Shoto looks up to sees a needle dripping in ink and a mallet to tatoo him.

Tou:"only you won't be able to hide yours."

Shoto's face, arms, chest, and legs are being inked up to ensure everyone will know what he's done. Then the thumbs are cut. After that, many look away as his manhood is taken with a red hot knife. After that, he's dragged away and thrown out of town.

Tou:" I'm sure you are all wondering about why I said the family line is over. It's because I won't marry. Instead, I'll adopt children to fill open positions. Ones who will change our country for the better."

Whispers spread until cheers ring out.

Touya then turns to face keigo. He then offers him a new katana.

Tou:"You may choose your path. No more are you bound to me. You are free to choose your fate. Should you stay. You'll be my personal guard and head of my army."

Keigo bows and takes the sword.

Kei:"I am honored that you still want me as your protector."

Tou:"You are here by parrdend of all past crimes. Honor restored. Welcome home, samurai takami."

Both kiss infront of everyone as cheers ring out.

That was three years ago. Now the two general positions are filled by bakugou and izuku. Who are guided by midnight and Mt lady as advisors. A kid from Keigo's home village and sibl8ngs have been taken under Touya's wing to take control after his passing.

Kei:"Rody! Time for your training. Without sword skills. You'll be easy prey."

Rody:"Coming sensei!"

As keigo trains rody. Touya bets that rody will win. So keigo cuffs.

Kei:"Don't involve the young in our bet. We still haven't settled it."

Rody hands touya the wooden sword.

Rody:"I might learn faster by watching."

Touya smirks:"First point."

Kei:"gets the painting."

As both smile while dulling. All of Keigo's art is hung up in the dojo. With a new one. A solar eclipse dancing in the stars, and in the shadow shines a new star. One that shines for the future to turn into the new sun.

Rody chuckles at the result of the dull.

Rody:"Looks like father should be teaching me instead. Sorry sensei."


Touya laughs, and the brightness of his smile causes Keigo's pout to stop. As he smiles aswell.

Below the last painting is a haiku.

Kei:<Though times may be hard.
You will get through it in time. With the help of love.>


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