16: Sensei And Student

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3rd person pov:

As touya busts into the room. He sees his old teacher relaxed with a cup on tea in hand.

Aiz:"How does it feel to have taken his life?"

Touya's gaze looks him up and down. Bloodlust from the gaze actually gives him goosebumps

Aiz:^I'm not scared of this brat. So why did that happen? No matter. I'll end this quickly.^

As he stands up to face touya. He uses a stance that his student has never seen before.

Tou:"Hiding your true skill?"

Aiz:"I knew one day we would fight. So I had to put am ace up my sleeve. "

Touya cries out with all of his might. Then he rushes towards aizawa.


The old teacher spins to Touya's side to strike him. Only for his old student to guard on instinct.

Tou:"You're not the only one hiding. Keigo helped me train out of my bad habits."

As everyone else runs in. Aoyama sees keigo laying on the floor bleeding.


Aoy:"On it, we'll do everything we can."

As the three keigo had hired to help his mom gets started working on him. Touya is on the defensive because aizawa hits  with such speed.

Aiz:"You never listened to what I taught you. First to strike it the first to lose their head."

Tou:"Then I should take yours for killing my father."

Aizawa growls and strikes with anger. Giving touya a moment to back off.

He then analyzes his teacher and sees something. So he smirks

When shouta moves to attack again. Touya slips in close and by his guard to an opening.

Tou:"Got you now."

Aiz:"A good fighter lures in their opponent."

Aizawa turns his blade and stabs him in the back.

Aiz:"Farwell touya todoroki."

The pain the hits aizawa from Touya's sword going into his gut.

Tou:"If we die...... it'll be together. "

Both pull out their blades from one another for one last attack.

As both cry out once more. Keigo opens his eyes and looks over. Both are blurry in his sight. As one falls to t h air knees before being beheaded.

Keigo cries before reaching out and blacking out once more.

One month later.

Keigo opens his eyes to cherry blossoms blowing in by the window. He's on a futon in the room he's called home for years. Beside him is a folded up futon and his swords

As he tries to sit up. The pain causes him to whimper.

Kei:"Dqmn, can't do that."

Mid:"So you're finally awake. I'll go inform the doctors."

Kei:"How am I still alive?"

Mid:"Luck must be on your side."

As she opens the door. Midnight bows and moves aside.

Footsteps slide across the mats on the floor towards the recovering warrior.

When those golden eyes turn to look. They sparkle and shimmer with joy.


Touya sits beside keigo and places a hand on his forehead.

Tou:"Looks like your fever finally broke."

Kei:"Are we dead, or is this a dream?"

Touya kisses keigo.

Tou:"A asure you this is real. Now rest. Once you are able to stand and walk. We'll announce your recovery to the people."

Kei:"Why wait?"

Tou:"There's one enemy left, and he's yet to show himself."


Touya smiles and pats Keigo's head.

Tou:"Rest up. We can talk about it later."

As touya books Keigo's nose. He stands up and leaves keigo in the doctor's hands.

As they check on the samurai. Touya goes to his father's room where the battle took place. That's when he sees a letter on t h e desk that wasn't there before.

Tou:"So you are still alive. I'll be ready this time.... little brother shoto."

Touya thinks back to the wedding day. When shoto poured oil on him and lit him on fire. How he smiled as touya ran away in pain. Then he saw aizawa killing the wife to be in another room before setting it ablaze. He managed to survive by putting out himself in a bath that was nearby. He hid until aizawa left. Only to come up for air. Then, when he was found by chisaki. He was forced into the brothal and told  that his father was disappointed in him. So he is to live out his life there.

While recovering. Midnight took care of him. Then the first came for him. A general named tomura shigaraki. He was violent and took advantage of the situation. Spreading word that touya was the one that there are no rules for. As he was recovering. More injuries were inflicted. Making it a miracle he survived so long. By the time a year had passed. He had forgotten Keigo's face. Only after the golden morning vision. Did he remember and realize the morning after keigo realized dabi was his master. Both staying quiet out of fear until their hearts couldn't take it anymore.

He then thinks to the words keigo whispered to him a month ago.

Kei:"If you order me to die. I shall obey. If so, I'm glad it was your blade to do it. Now my love will always protect you."

Tou:"I order you to live."

Keigo smiles and slows his breathing to slow the bleeding. That's when touya laid him down to fight.

The month keigo was in the coma. Touya never left his side. Even while asleep. Touya would hold his hand.

Tou:"By dumb luck we survived this. Now let's not waste it."

Touya gathers his top warriors that are able to fight. Sending an order.

Tou:"If you see someone suspicious. Kill them on site."^I won't let you take the power this time.^

That night as keigo sleeps. Shoto sneaks in the room by climbing in through the window. With knife in hand. He looms over the second futon where touya should be asleep.

Sho:"No more will I serve anyone. Now die so that father's favorite son may rule."

As shoto stabs the futon. He realizes something is off and uncovers a futon full of baskets and a rabit fur pelt for hair.

Touya stands at the door with sword on his side.

Tou:"Let's settle this in the dojo."

Shoto growls and looks at keigo.

Tou:"Touch him and I'll torture you until death. Let's settle this the way we know father would want. It'll prove who the favorite actually is."

Sho:"Fine."^He's not bluffing. That bloodlust in his eyes is like looking at a demon.^

Shoto follows touya to the dojo. As they leave the room. Keigo peeks an eye open.

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