7: Ronin Vs Samurai

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3rd person pov:

As Keigo reads himself for combat. He closes his eyes, and with a deep breath. He calms his mind. Opening his eyes to stare daggers at the big guy.

As makia lifts his blade high for an attack. Keigo notices how slow he is. So he moves in to attack. Only to realize that the armor is too thick for his blade to cut. So the warrior moves out of the way of the sword coming down on him.

As the blonde rolls out of the way. Toga gets behind him to attack. Luckily Keigo blocks it.

Kei:^The big guy is slow, but powerful. If I don't deal with her first. It could end up with me playing into their hands. However, -^

Keigo poors a vial of dark liquid on his blade before running at Toga.

Toga:^poison? No matter. I'll just block it and- huh-^

Keigo does a fake out to make Toga life her sword. Then he uses her to jump after makia.

Kei:^If I take him out. Then her protection won't exist.^

Keigo's sword goes 8nto makia's throat, and with his weight. He cuts down to the giant's stomach. As the beast falls. The warrior pulls his sword out and aims his attention at the girl.

Yet when he looks over. He sees her smiling.

Toga:"He isn't defeated yet goldilocks."

A hand rises to grab Keigo. Wrapping his fingers around the small body on the giant.

Keigo whinces in pain. As the creeking of his own bones becomes deafening.

Makia:"Time is up little man. Looks like this is the end of your tale."

Just as the first pop can be heard. Keigo yells out in pain.

Kei:^Damnit....... is this really how it ends? I'm sorry I couldn't avenge you.^"m...master touya."

As Keigo feels faint. The grip on his softens. As the poison has finally gotten to makia.

Toga backs away because even though Keigo's eyes look as if he's unconscious. He still stands. Then he charges at her with speed she can't keep up with.

When keigo comes to. He sees Toga is missing an arm and is retreating.

Toga:"I look forward to our next meeting. Then I can pay you back."

Once she is gone. Keigo stumbles to the next room, but not before he drinks some medication for the pain. Once inside the main bed chamber of the castle. He doesn't see shigaraki anywhere. So he looks for an escape route. That's when he steps on a tatomi mat. What sounds different. When he lifts it up. There is a loud bang. Then liquid. When he looks under. He sees barrels of oil were hooked up to spill if the mat was lifted. The oils slowly poor down the escape latter, and towards torches that are on the bottom floor.


Keigo cuffs before grabbing the latter. His hands and feet are now covered. So he changes the grip to the sides of the latter and his feet go on each outer side to slide down with ease. Once on the bottom floor. He runs to escape before it's too late.

Now even ten seconds pass after Keigo makes it out. That the entire thing goes up in flames. As keigo makes it out of the gate. Denki drags him into an alley to help him escape without people seeing him.

Denki:"How did it go?"

Kei:"Shigaraki git away."

Denki:"Then you'll have to leave immediately. I've packed you a bag full of food. There's a farm not too far from town that you can stay at. If you help him out. I'm sure he'll pay you."

Kei:"Thanks for your help."

Denki puts Keigo on the back of a cart and covers him with bags to hide him. As guards are now everywhere looking for him. Keigo takes this chance to rest. Having a deep and dreamless slumber.

By nightfall, they make it to the farm. Denki sees that he's unconscious and tries to lift him out of the cart. Only for the farmer to see and help him out.

"What have you gotten mixed up in now?"

Denki:"I owe this man a debt for helping me. Can you house him here until he leaves? He's a strong worker."

As the farmer moves him. He sees that the man is injured.

"What did you ask of him? This man is if rough shape."

Denki:"He kinda burned down the castle."

Denki gets a bonk on the top of his head by the farmer.

"Idiot. Help me get him inside."

Denki:"Yes, sir."

Once Keigo is on the bed. Denki leaves before anyone notices. That's when the farmer begins to address Keigo's wounds. As he undresses keigo. He sees something that skocks him.

When keigo wakes up. He sees a man that he's never met before sitting at a desk writing a letter.

Keigo notices that his bandages have been changed and new ones have been added. So he draws his sword and stands up. Ignoring the great pain he's in. Keigo points the blade by the man's neck.

Kei:"Who are you , and where are you sending that letter?"

"Relax killer. I'm just a simple farmer. As for the letter. I'm writing to my daughter. I wish to live. Therefore I won't tell anyone about you. If anyone asks. Tell them you are my son in law. That way, we can keep the story straight."

Kei:"Who else saw them?"

"It's just me here. That little punk tries to help out by sending travelers my way, or helping out himself. It's getting annoying."

Keigo puts his blade away and sits back on the bed.

Kei:"How much do I owe you for the help?"

"For pulling out your sword. I'd say about three weeks. However, the count doesn't start until you are healed. So rest up."

As keigo lays back down. Exhausted becomes him. As he falls asleep once more.

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