Ch 7

105 4 1

Short chapter again, sorryyy

Mary on

My head was blank, as I woke up. I couldn't remember what had happened in the last few hours.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the slight light that lit up the room.

As I cleared the thoughts out of my mind and finally opened my eyes fully, I realized I didn't recognize this room.

The room had light brown colored walls, but they looked like they had some moss, because to the  green stains on the corners of the wall.

There was a grey and old-looking wood table in the middle of the room and it seemed to have some utensils placed on top of it.

I seemed to be alone and I wasn't laying, I was sitting on a chair.

Once I noticed that, I decided to try and move out of the chair, but at that moment I moved, I noticed I was with my hands handcuffed behind my back as well as my legs. 

Confusion settled in for a moment before the fog on my mind cleared and I got reminded of what happened just some time ago.

I tried to scream, but at that moment I also noticed that there was a handkerchief around my mouth, preventing me from speaking.

So instead I tried to get loose and I just aggressively moved trying to get rid of the handcuffs.

"Looks like someone woke up agitated, hmm?" I heard the horrendous voice of a man, a more horrendous voice then my dad's, coming from behind my back. 

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and a shiver came up my spine, the back of my eyes started to burn for the hundredth time today.

I felt my body start to tremble and rough whimpers escaped my muffled mouth.

"Now, don't be scared. I'm just about to kill you, it's not that big of a deal" He chuckled as he walked around me, now entering into my view field.

His brown eyes with a hint of red, looked at me with full blood-lust. His smile was wide , it reached ear to ear, making his amusement obvious.

He was wearing a white dress shit underneath a brown vest, his black bowtie sealing the outfit together. 

"I really don't understand actually. We made a fair deal, haven't we? Not only have you seen too much, you also can't keep your pretty mouth shut." He said and grabbed my jaw, making me whimper and form tears on my eyes, "maybe I should start with that. Destroy that gossip-full mouth of yours" 

His other hand came to view, revealing a sharp knife. Full panic settled in as I tried to get away from him, but it was useless as his grip on my jaw tightened.

"I'm going to give you one more chance to keep quiet, even tho you already broke my trust on that, So let's try again." he slowly and in a steady manner, puts the knife between his teeth to have his hands free.

He slowly put his hands behind the back of my head and undid the knot on the handkerchief.

Once he let my mouth free I started panting and whimpering.

"P-pl-please d-don't- don't kill m-me. P-please I be-beg you!" I beg with tears flowing down my cheeks. I was in front of my death and I really didn't knew how to react at the moment.

He chuckles as he puts the handkerchief on top of the table in the center of the room.

"I must say, your begging is rather amusing." He chuckles as he gets closer to me again, "now, i want to know why."

Seen too much (Alastor x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang