Ch 5

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Pretty ladiesss

Small chapter again, cuz it's already getting posted later then usually:D

Mary On

We had already walked most of the way to Elma's house. The house being fully viewed by us.

Caroline was already walking slightly faster to get there faster.

Me and Bessie quickly followed her and in no time, we were in front of her house.

Caroline looked at us and then took a deep breath, taking the initiative to knock on the door.

We heard foot steps coming towards the door and Caroline looked at us and Bessie shrugged. We heard a bunch of lockers quickly get unlocked and a short old lady peaked from behind the door and then fully opened the door when she noticed it was us.

"Oh my, what a pleasant surprise, I wasn't expecting a visit from such pretty ladies! Let me guess, you came to see how is Elma right? Oh my my don't stay here outside! Come in, come in." She welcome's us into the house, leading the way to the living room after closing all the locks again.

The soft smell of oranges and cinnamon filled the air in the venue. It was rather pleasant.

"Nice to see you Miss Monroe" I said as I sat on the couch together with the other two girls and Elma's mom sat on the couch next to ours.

"Oh don't mention it dear, for how long haven't I seen you girls now? Oh my! You girls get prettier and prettier every day, oh how i miss my young days" she says happy and messages her cheek.

"I must say for your age, you look rathe in form miss!" Caroline says and Bessie arches an eyebrow.

"Oh no need for all that dear..." she waves her hand and looks away with a slight blush, "but anyhow, you came to know about Elma am I right..?" Her happy and excited tone disappear as she mentioned Elma.

"Yes, is she in her room? Is she okay?" I ask with a faint smile but it slowly faded away as the woman's face was completely down and she sighed deeply.

"Oh i wish she was. We don't know... where she is." The lady sighed deeply and I saw flint tears on the corners of her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Bessie finally spoke up, leaning her body closer to the lady her eyes filled with confusion and worry.

"Two days ago, she got out to the club like every night... but she never got back. We believe she ran away with the man that got her pregnant 5 years ago since he is also missing. But, she left her own son alone." A shiver came up my spine as she said and the back of my eyes burned slightly.. she wouldn't do that... at least I want to believe that.

Caroline had a shocked look and Bessie had an angry look.

"She wouldn't do that.. Elma.. she wouldn't.." Caroline said loudly but got interrupted by her own hic and a small tear that fell down her cheek.

Bessie tsked and then caressed Caroline's back in a comforting manner.

"How's Hazel then? Does he at least know his mother is missing?" Bessie asks.

"He does, at the start he was very sad and we couldn't ask him anything about it because he would start crying, so we just left it and since he hasn't talked about it or showed any concern. We believe he is dealing with sadness by forgetting it, so we don't even come up with it." Miss Monroe answers, "he is at school at the moment".

I was silent trying to process the news I had just received. She wouldn't do that, she wouldn't leave her creation behind just for some man, would she?

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