Chapter 19

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Harry danced with the tiny guests of honor. She listened to all of their requests and followed all of them. Still, she felt like the one who should be with them celebrating was Lianne. She was their older sister, after all, not Harry.

After their fourth dance, Harry finally asked, "Where is Lianne at?" The twins paused and thought about the answer. It seemed like they didn't know where she was either.

"We don't know," Claire finally answered.

"Maybe she already went back," said Collin.

"Maybe," Harry replied. Although, if Lianne was still at the party, Harry wanted to see her. "I'll try to look for her."

The twins looked at her and replied in unison, "We'll help."

The three of them separated and went looking for Lianne, but she was nowhere to be found. She wasn't by any of the food tables, she wasn't in any of the resting rooms, and she wasn't dancing either. Harry was about to give up when she spotted some familiar figures.

The timid boy, Alicia, Julie, and a couple of other nobles who Harry had never seen before were all huddled around in a circle. Even though Harry didn't want to talk to them, she felt like they would have a clue about Lianne's whereabouts.

She slowly and quietly approached them. As she did, she could hear them talking, but they didn't seem to be talking to each other. Their eyes were all turned to one person, and it wasn't until Harry got right behind them that she could see who it was.

In the middle of the circle stood Lianne. She just stood silently amongst all the laughing kids.

"Well, your highness, I'm glad you're finally wearing something other than black," laughed a boy. It was one of the ones who Harry had never seen before.

"Although, you should've just stuck to black since I can barely tell the color," said Alicia.
She grinned at Lianne and shook the drink in her hand. "What's wrong? Are you not going to soak anyone with the drinks this time?"

Harry watched Lianne slowly lift her head. As usual, she wore an impossible-to-read expression.

"Why would I do that?" she asked. "This is my little siblings' party. I don't want to ruin it for them."

"Why do you care about your younger siblings?" asked the timid boy. He wasn't timid anymore. "Quit acting concerned for them. Everyone here knows that your highness hates the little prince and princess."

"That's not true-"

"It is," spoke a girl. "Your position is being threatened by the little prince. I've heard you've wanted to kill him!"

Lianne's eyes darkened. "I have never once thought that."

"Of course, you have," Julie replied. "Your position is being threatened because nobody wants to follow a monster like you. No one here likes you. It's a fact that even the king and queen know. Your position is being threatened by the lovable little prince."

Harry watched as Lianne tightened her hand around her drink. Julie smiled and raised her glass. "Does your highness think that I'd let you pour that on me first?"

Just as Julie raised her cup to splash it on Lianne, Harry quickly stepped in.

"Lianne!" She wrapped her hands around Lianne's arm. "I've been looking for you everywhere!" Harry tried to ignore all the glares from the others.

"Harry," Lianne replied. She didn't show it, but she seemed surprised by Harry's interference.

"Come on!" Harry cheered. "Let's go already!"

"Go where?" Lianne asked.

"Where?" Harry hadn't had enough time to think of an excuse to get Lianne away from the nobles.

"Princess Harry," called Julie. Harry turned to the girl. Julie looked angry at her. "We weren't done talking to her highness yet."

Harry smiled at Julie. "I'm-"

"Don't interrupt us!" Alicia shouted at Harry. "You have no idea how this princess treats us!"

Harry's smile faltered. It seemed like the nobles were done wearing their kind masks. Alicia was right; Harry knew nothing about what had transpired between them, but she didn't really care about it. She had already decided that Lianne was a kind person, and nothing could change her mind.

Harry fixed her expression and cheerfully exclaimed, "Let's go dance!"

"Dance?" Lianne asked.

Without another word, Harry dragged Lianne away from her tormentors and out to the middle of the ballroom. Harry spun around and took Lianne's hands. She tried to dance the part of the man. It was awkward, but she felt like they were having fun nonetheless. That was until Lianne sighed.

"You don't know how to dance the male's part at all, do you?"

Harry's movements became stiff. She gave an awkward laugh. "I know some of it. Why? Am I not doing it well?"

Lianne didn't answer, instead, she sighed again and switched positions with Harry.

"You'll dance the male's part, then?" Harry laughed.

"It seems I don't have a choice," Lianne stoically replied.

With their positions switched their dancing became swifter and less stiff.

Harry inquired. "How do you know how to dance the male's part?"

"I learned it," Lianne answered. "Claire was always asking me to dance with her, so I learned the male's part for her."

"I-I see."

Lianne acted indifferent, but on that floor, dancing with a cheerful and a little bit foolish girl brought a smile even to her face.

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