burn it all down

31 7 18

wake up.

you need to wake up.

that nightmare isnt real, remember?

it's a story

your brain is telling you a story.

sometimes it's horror, sometimes it's fantasy.

it can be romance too.

but the horror stories?

don't listen, dear.

it's going to be okay.

maybe not in the moment.

but everything will turn out okay.

even if it hurts.

even if you don't understand.

why? you may ask.

why must it be me?

we never know.

did i do something wrong?

did i?

dear, trust me.

the universe chooses to make you suffer at random.

it doesn't specifically look at you and say

"you did a bad thing"

no, no it did not.

so don't blame yourself,

for the habits of others.

don't play with the fire, child.

unless you started the fire.

burn it all down.

burn the suffering


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