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it's the word we use to describe

when we don't understand what we feel.

when we feel empty.

like we're drowning,

but in our own thoughts.

we mask,

put on a smile.

feign happiness.

but sometimes we break.

it hurts.

it fucking hurts guys.


find that one person.

the one who can make you smile

simply by saying


find that person

that if you don't hear their voice

you can't focus.

find them.

and hold onto them

like theyre your lifeline.

because i found mine.

they're wonderful.

i don't know what

i would've done

if i had never met them.

i would probably be dead by now.

im not in an awake enough mood

to even start explaining

how much i need them in my life.


i'll try explaining the corner that i can


realityМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя