3 | 17 | First Hogsmeade Trip

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The train to Hogwarts started off pretty fun with the boys buying tons of treats off the trolley and sharing with Lisa and Daphne

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The train to Hogwarts started off pretty fun with the boys buying tons of treats off the trolley and sharing with Lisa and Daphne. Daphne wanted to talk to Lisa privately, but Draco would never give them any moments. Typically Malfoy.

Lisa was talking excitedly about Quidditch- she had practiced outside while Severus was home and could watch all throughout summer- and she genuinely felt she was getting better and better.

Also, Quidditch was a great way for her to stay fit. Being thirteen, she wasn't too concerned about looking like a model, but ever since she was a child, people like Daphne's parents and Draco's mother promised that she would be absolutely beautiful.

They said she already looked so much like her mother, and every year she was looking more mature. Lisa always blushes when they talk about that. There are pictures of her mother around the house, and she had to admit they were right. Severus landed a beautiful woman, although he never likes to talk about her.

Lisa snapped out of her thoughts and reminded herself not to think about looks so much yet- she was still too young to try things like makeup. She stopped thinking about any of this when the Hogwarts Express made an abrupt stop in the middle of nowhere.

"We're not there yet, what happened?" She asked as kids were mumbling in confusion and looking around in the aisles.

They were lucky to be sitting near the back, and in just 10 minutes the train was back to normal and they were on their way again.


"You actually fainted?!" Draco exclaimed tauntingly to Harry.

Lisa hated that they had such a rivalry when it was honestly unnecessary. Ron stood up for Harry this time, and said, "Shut your trap, Malfoy."

"I don't listen to poverty, Weasel," Draco snapped.

The Slytherins laughed right at the redheads face and Hermione turned him right around and started berated him for saying anything back. Harry met Lisa's eyes and she quickly looked at the professor's table where her father was. She was met with relief when he wasn't looking.

This all confused Harry, but what could he say?

Lisa still didn't know what she would even say to him. It took her all day to figure out, and she was distracted by the classes that were beginning.

Divination was annoying. Lisa didn't believe a word of it, even though she might have if the Professor teaching it wasn't a complete mess.

She predicted Harry's death, trying to scare the students maybe? Lisa was snappy with the Professor and Daphne made it clear with her expression not to come to their group and start making up things.

DADA was a lot more tolerable. The new professor was way above the last two idiots, even though he sort of looked homeless. He was very nice and respectful, and seemed to give every House a chance to speak.

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