Start from the beginning

Johanna draws a sharp breath, feeling completely out of character before shutting down every form of feeling. "Some doctor and the people that tortured me in my primary room. That torture continued by the way. And for interval, I lost every feeling of time the moment I heard Thana's screams."

Thana squeezes her hand softly as tears are almost leaving her eyes. "You didn't deserve that," her voice cracks. "You didn't deserve that."

"Thana," Johanna's voice hardens. "I thought you had died after they upped, your screams stopped for at least a day." She takes a breath, "I thought I had lost you..."

"I am sitting here right next to you," Thana wipes away a fallen tear on the girl's face. "I am not going anywhere."

"Is there anything more to share Miss Mason?" The president interrupts the heartfelt moment. Johanna simply shakes her head, leaning back into the uncomfortable chair. "Then I will ask you the same, Miss Jardin." There is a pause, "what is your experience of the upped torture as it is called by you and Miss Mason?"

Thana dares to take a deep breath, her eyes looking everywhere except to anyone. God, it this how Johanna felt not only minutes ago? "Fire," she dares to say, "fire and at least one time gas..." she gulps, "carbon dioxide or monoxide if I remember correctly." She tries to keep the tears in her eyes. "The gas was there at least once, maybe twice."

Tears stream down Rohan's eyes, he failed massively to protect the girl he promised to protect. "They attempted murder," his voice full of emotion, "how could they?"

Thana ignored him, "the doctor, she was a woman..." she tries her best to remember.

"It is okay, Thana," Haymitch speaks up, "you don't have to share more."

"No, no, no," the girl shakes her head, "I should know this." She closes her eyes for a brief moment. "They were testing fire resistant creams on me," a humorless chuckle escapes her throat, "they failed of course."

"Thana," Plutarch ignores the stares of all three victors, "do you maybe remember their names?" Alma nods in agreement, wanting to know the information as well.

Thana's hands shake as she goes to pick up the glass of water. "Doctor Anderson, and Mr. Wells." She says before taking a sip while most water goes over the rim of the glass.

"Do those names say anything to you?" Coin looks to Plutarch who nods his head.

"Doctor Marly Anderson and Luke or Jason Wells." He shakes his head, "I did not allow them to join my team for the games, but it seems they got a different job after them."

"We should end the meeting," Boggs says, "we have pushed way too far today already. There is no need to push them this far now that they are safe here." He smiles softly at the victors, "let it all sink in for them as well. We can talk further another time with the people needed for it."

"You are right," president Coin nods her head, an empathizing smile appearing on her features. "I want to thank you both for telling us what President Snow has done to you."

She barely gets any reaction as she leaves the room again with Boggs and Plutarch following her to go somewhere else.


"We should've pushed more to get you guys out of there," Haymitch's voice is soft, "I can see if I can steal some liquor somewhere for the four of us." His statement sounds more like a question. "Or we can bring you guys back to the medical bay."

"No liquor is getting mixed with medications," Rohan's voice sounds tired, dried-up tears marking his cheeks. "But some rest for you two is a good idea."

The two men lead the silent and barely responding girls to the medical bay. Rohan waiting with the girls as Haymitch pushes Thana's bed to be next to Johanna's. They couldn't get it over their hearts to separate them, not after what they told. Especially with the separation that happened in the Capitol. It is no wonder anymore why they wake up so panicked in search of each other, only being calmed by the presence of the other.

As the girls lay down in the beds, their hands link to reassure the other they are alive and sort of okay. The older victors leave the younger ones, on their way to tell Finnick he should wait till tomorrow for his visit.


Nora speaking!
That was an emotional roalercoaster to write. Thank god that is over, this story is so sad

Thank you for reading!

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