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tears of homesickness

THANA AND ROHAN watch closely as Latif enters the stage in a light green suit

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THANA AND ROHAN watch closely as Latif enters the stage in a light green suit. The crowd cheers as he waves and smiles like he has been instructed to by his sister and Rohan. The president is already waiting for the boy and clears his throat to silence the people.

"Another year gone by, and another victor to join the ranks." The president reveals a golden crown of leaves. "Hereby I, president Snow of Panem, crown Latif Jardin as the victor of the 73rd Hunger Games," the president announces and smiles lightly at the boy before him. "May he enjoy the riches of the Capitol forever more."

"Thank you, Mr. President," Latif bows his head slightly and smiles at the president before standing up to hear the crowd cheer for him.


"Latif Jardin," the boy looks to see somebody from the capitol on the stage, "we must go now, Caesar is waiting for you."

"Of course," the boy smiles at the woman, before bowing to the people of the Capitol and taking his leave. Hot on his heels are Thana and Rohan, both manage to get in the car meant for Latif to talk through the last tactics.

"Remember that even though you are standing there all alone," Rohan says in a low voice, "that we are there for you once it is over. You get to go home right after the interview and tomorrow morning you will be back with a view on the endless fields of 9."

"Okay, yes I can do this." Latif says to himself in encouragement, "even though I barely feel like a human I know I can do this."

"Know that you are allowed to cry, to show emotions." Thana takes his hand in hers, "you did lose people in there and you did lose a part of yourself."

"I know sissy," Latif smiles lightly and squeezes her hand, "I just want to go home." Tears trickle down his cheeks and in a second, he is embraced by his sister.

"I know," Thana draws comforting shapes on his back while the car drives further, "mom and dad are going to be at the station tomorrow morning and then you will be home again. You will be home for a long time, but first you have to get through this." She gently wipes away the fallen tears and looks into his eyes, "and if home doesn't feel like home, you will find home in people. I did that, you are my home, just like the rest of our family. And you'll get through this, because I know you are a fighter, you always have been one."

Not much later the car stops, and Latif is rushed inside. Stylist doing finishing touches on his make-up as they haste towards the stage. You can already hear Caesar's voice and when Thana and Rohan take place in their appointed chairs Caesar gets up from his chair.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he smiles brightly, "let us welcome this year's victor for an exclusive interview." He pauses for an effect, "Ladies and gentlemen, the victor of the 73rd Hunger Games, Latif Jardin!" cheers erupt as Latif appears on the second stage this day and Thana holds her breath as he comes down smiling. The smile so fake that tears almost fall down her cheeks, she was meant to protect her little brother, not see him become this shallow figure that he once was.

"Thank You Caesar," Latif shakes the man's hand and sits back into the plush chair where he will be sitting for quite some time. "It is an honour to be interviewed by you again."

"Still a charmer," Caesar laughs, "but the honour is completely like wise. It is always a pleasure to interview such amazing people." He takes a sip from his glass, "how about we start by the beginning?"

Latif nods while his muscle tenses, "Of course," his gaze redirects to Thana who looks at him with sadness in every fibre of her being.

"Well, Latif," Caesar clicks on some device and on a big screen you can see Latif standing on the little platform looking around him into the arena. "How did you feel seeing the arena for the first time?"

Thana looks closely at Latif as he replies the question, and the next and next and so on as Caesar shows pieces of the games and asks questions. With each fragment more tears stream over Thana's face, but in Latif eyes there are no tears falling, they are only building up.

"Thank you for your time, Latif," Caesar ends the interview, "The people here, those streaming from home and I am very happy that you could give us some insights in your experience."

"And thank you for the amazing interview," Latif smiles before he walks off the stage where a team of people point him into a direction. He lets someone lead him to an open space where he sees Thana and Rohan standing together, they stand closely to the side and are speaking in hushed voices.

"Ah Latif, there you are already," Rohan smiles at the boy, "we have a train to catch."

Thana smiles at her brother and takes him into a small hug, "in the train we are safe from eyes and ears again."

"Did I do well?" Latif dares to ask regardless of his sister's statement.

"Yes, you did." Rohan smiles as he opens the car door where the siblings get in before he does. "The people like you, maybe some because of who your sister is. But they like you regardless and that is enough for now."


As the train station comes insight of the three; Thana lets out an audible sigh, "I am glad to leave this place again." She opens the door and walks up the steps that lead to the train that will bring them back to district 9. All the other victors are already home again, except for the few that are of interest for president Snow to make extra money off.

"So am I," Rohan muses as he gets closer to Thana, "the games always suck out all of your energy." He stops with Thana so they an let Latif catch up on them before they enter the train in which they came to here.

"What now?" Latif asks as he takes the outstretched hand of his sister.

"Now we try to get through every day, one step at a time." Thana smiles at her brother, "I know you can do that, and if it gets hard. Then remember that we are always there to support you."

"Thank you," Latif smiles sadly as Thana squeezes his hand.

"You don't have to thank us for anything," Rohan smiles, "we are in this together, all of us victors are. No need for thanking, just try to be there for us when we need you like we try to do for you."

"Still thank you," Latif says as they step into the train and the door closes, "thank you for getting me sponsors and thank you for never stopping with believing I could make it out of there."

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