Chapter 6: Destination Disturbance

Start from the beginning

"Oops sorry, princess, didn't mean to make you fall on your precious feet," a boy with red-dyed hair teased. The rest of the gang laughed mockingly as they rolled away.

"Oh hoo-hoo, touché, stupides," Alayah laughed in a french accent. She activated her bracelet that separated during its glow as she casted a spell that turned the pavement into a narrow sinkhole that the skateboarders were about to roll over. The boys unnoticed the hole which resulted for them to fall into a dogpile. A couple of pedestrians, who witnessed (but didn't noticed Alayah) rushed towards the incident.

Smugness presented Alayah's phase as she stood up to find Lydia, eyebrows raised.

"I thought you said you're a Time traveler?"

"I am."

"Then how come you were able to bend earth?"

"Ummm...magic heritage?"

Eyes popped as Lydia shook her head in puzzlement.

"You wanna know more?"

Lydia opened her mouth then closed it, thinking of an answer when a little girl ran into her. To her shock, the girl past through like she had never been standing and was only plain air.

"W—w—what just happened?!"

"You're dead, remember? Of course you'll be in that spiritual phase. A ghost. A walking nothing. The invisible lady—"

"Okay, stop!"

Alayah paused having her hands being flowed in the air only for her to smack them on the waistline of her robe.

"...Just stop. Please. Thalia, care to explain," Lydia gestured, turning to Thalia but found her nowhere standing on her previous spot. She began to glance on all areas frantically.

"There she is," Alayah pointed at Thalia, kneeling down at a block away as she seemed to be playing with a few baby kittens that were put in an old box.

The two ran towards her but were stopped by an enormous wave of people, all seemed rushing to a particular place. The newest milk-tea stop, the Boba Hut, all trendy things were set at the place so no wonder most influencers have gushing in the traffic. Although that traffic was separating Alayah and Lydia's way to get to Thalia. Frustration boiled as they tried to clear an open path for them, but it's no use. These people were too stubborn to even move, some even shoved Alayah down again.

Lydia gasped to remember what she was and then cleverly went through the crowd like a ghost. Alayah frowned that she was left behind but thought of her own, mischievous way to pass. Instead of pleading for a clear way, she called the cops to do the job.

While Alayah waited for the clearing, Lydia literally just had enough and scolded Thalia why'd she ran away like that. Thalia whimpered an apology and Lydia took the pity and had forgiven her.

"Please...please just don't run off like that, you might get lost."

"Okay, I'm sorry..."

Lydia sighed as she stared Thalia with mere pity. It annoyed her how much ignorance that Thalia had but she couldn't display it out because Thalia was too young to understand nor to notice.

Meanwhile, the woman on the left whose reading a romance novel and sitting by the table outside of a café reluctantly ignored Thalia and only side-eyed her because she thought Thalia was a weirdo since she was literally talking to no one.

Heavy pants cut Thalia and Lydia's conversation as Alayah bended down, arms on the knee before she stood and ran a hand on her raven hair.

"Sorry...human traffic is pretty difficult to pull off these days..."

The previous woman had her eyes widen then glanced at Alayah suspiciously only for Alayah to chuckled nervously and waved her hands in the air.

"Ehe...It's not that kind of traffic, what I meant was a overcrowded area where people tucked tight that there is no way to get through," Alayah explained. "I'm talking about the newly opened Boba Hut, hehe..." the woman nodded to accept her explanation and returned to the glorious scent of coffee rested on her table.

"You guys good?" Alayah asked, turning to the two.

"I'm hungry," Thalia replied, dryly.

"Wait here," Lydia gestured. A grin on her face formed looking down at Burger King. Since I'm a ghost now, there's no way they"ll notice me.

And with that Lydia skipped over the other block and sneakily entered Burger King.

"Uhh, she does know that even if she's a ghost there'll be consequences since solid things can be seen within phantom touch, right?"


"Lydia's a ghost that means if she touch or lifted things, they'll be still visible—"

Loud screams of people and shattered glass boomed inside the restaurant, Alayah turned and knew it was Lydia coming out with a whopper size burger and having the people inside constantly panicked upon seeing a floating burger.

Lydia darted forward on Thalia and Alayah's position and handed Thalia the burger. Thalia scanned the paper bag thoroughly before ripping the paper in shed and had her mouth dropped staring vaguely at the delicious object, a minute of staring later, she gobbled it whole.

"Whoa...somebody's hungry," Alayah chuckled.

All three of them paused hearing another clammer again from the restaurant and those noises didn't sound pleasant.

"Uh...I forgot to mention that even if you're a ghost it won't affect your surroundings, meaning you just given the poor people there a heart attack with the floating whooper burger," Alayah pointed out. Lydia bit inside on her lower lip, she didn't realized that was a thing and turned to Thalia still munching on her food with pure daze of satisfaction.

"Oops," Lydia mumbled, beaming a sorry-smile at Alayah, who raised a brow.

Alayah was about to continue when an angry late-forty old, rug-hagged, manager marched up to them, demanding payment for the damage. He grudged an outstretched arm at Alayah and pointed at Thalia with the stolen burger. Alayah eyeballed the man up and down in disgust finding his uniform covered in grease and dirt and then rolled her eyes with hands down on the waist. The manager scoffed finding her attitude immensely rude.

"Listen here young lady, I dunno what stupid scheme you've plan on your Reals today to have an invisible line attached to the burger and steal it while having my employees and costumers jumped like that. But all I know is that is disrespectful and low on even for you, a brat from the rich lane, and of course hardly you know this would come that I'll be asking you for to pay that burger you sto—"

He was cut off when Alayah threw a huge chunk of money slabbed onto his face, causing his head to push back and the money landing into both of his open dirty palms.

The man looked at Alayah in confusion. "That's not enough, there still—"

Again, another chunk of money hit the man's face. Again...and again, every complaint the man spat had only Alayah groaning as she threw her payment like it was nothing.

That's a lot of money for a girl like her...Lydia wondered in her head.

Eventually the man begged her to stop since she already paid too much amount and all the money that man was hugging the cash tightly only made him as the center attention of concern-looking crowd.

They started to murmur under their breath like the man was a bad person and he was totally embarrassed but Alayah cut in the false and elaborated her payment on the damages before turning to leave with Lydia and Thalia, whose still eating, in tow.

And after that they were off to get a few more errands that Alayah needed for them to have before the two settled their journey finding the soul scroll.


A/N: Don't forget to comment and vote! Cheers, Lovelies!

Word count: 1842

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