Author's Note

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Author's Note

Hey, just a quick check here if you don't mind. This story is my entry for the ONC 2024, wishing you guys enjoy reading it as much how I have fun writing this new book. Normally I got plenty of ideas of a new book in my mind but right now I just wanna finish this story as I rack my life in the unfair reality.

Please, please, I'm begging you, don't forget to comment your thoughts on the story and of course, never be afraid to hit that star for vote. All of means make my heart pound happily appreciating no matter the size of the support. Have a great day and stay safe, everyone!

Your gal,


6. Your life as you know it has ended. Somewhere in Limbo you've met with the message: "Something went wrong. Please try again."

70. "Well, there's another nice mess you've gotten me into!"- Sons of The Dessert(1933).

90. You were officially dead for two minutes. Ever since then you can see guardian angels, and not a minute goes by in your daily life that you don't see an annoyed angel doing their job.


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