whats this? i dont know either

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George's heart raced as he glanced over at clay, their eyes locking for a brief moment. There was no doubt about it; clay was trouble. Not the kind of trouble that came in the form of a cute classmate or a rebellious friend, but the kind of trouble that could end you. Literally. clay was the star quarterback, the captain of the football team, and the leader of the in-crowd. He was everything George wasn't and everything George despised. And yet, somehow, there was an undeniable attraction between them. It was as if the universe had a twisted sense of humor, constantly pushing them together in situations where one wrong move could mean disaster.

time skip brought to you by my cat

The rest of the party passed in a blur of polite conversation and forced smiles. George found himself constantly stealing glances at clay, watching as he charmed everyone around him with his easy smile and effortless grace. There was something about clay that drew people to him, like a moth to a flame. Even George, someone who normally avoided clay like the plague, couldn't help but feel a strange pull towards him. It was as if their hatred was just a facade, a mask they wore to hide their true feelings.

As the night went on, the music grew louder and the alcohol flowed more freely. George found himself standing next to clay at the kitchen counter, trying to ignore the warmth emanating from clay's body. He could feel clay's breath on his neck, making his heart race. He wanted to turn around, to confront clay, to finally put an end to this weird tension between them. But he couldn't move. He was frozen in place, caught in the headlights of clay's piercing green eyes.

The rest of the partygoers had long since disappeared into various bedrooms and living rooms, seeking refuge from the music and the heat. But George couldn't take his eyes off of clay. He watched as clay's lips curled into a small smile, as if he knew exactly what effect he was having on George. It was infuriating and exhilarating all at once.

Without thinking, George reached out and placed his hand on clay's shoulder. The contact sent a jolt of electricity through his body, making his heart race even faster. Clay turned to look at him, his expression a mix of surprise and something else that George couldn't quite identify. For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the air thick with tension and desire.

Then, without warning, Clay leaned in close, his lips just inches from George's ear. "What do you say we find someplace more comfortable to talk?" he whispered, his breath sending shivers down George's spine. George couldn't believe what was happening, couldn't process the fact that this was actually happening. He wanted to push clay away, to deny the feelings that were welling up inside of him, but at the same time, he found himself nodding numbly in agreement.

Together, they left the crowded living room and wandered down the hallway, passing by closed doors until they found one that was ajar. It led to a spare bedroom, the lights dim and the air thick with anticipation. Without saying a word, they stepped inside and closed the door behind them. The click of the lock echoed through the room, as if sealing their fate.

Clay turned to face George, his features cast in shadow as he leaned against the door. George's heart was racing, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps. He couldn't believe what was happening, couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards clay. Despite all the times they had fought, despite the hatred that had always simmered beneath the surface, there was something between them that went beyond mere animosity.

As if sensing George's confusion, clay took a step closer, his hand reaching out to brush against George's cheek. George shivered at the touch, his eyes fluttering closed. He could feel clay's other hand slip around his waist, pulling him even closer. Their bodies pressed together, each hard line and curve contrasting and complementing the other. It was a heady mixture of fear and desire, and George was powerless to resist it.

dnf and some karlnap things might add to this might not:)Where stories live. Discover now