Swing for the Fences

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On the baseball field in South Park, we have the an intense and close-call in a baseball game. South Park vs. North Park, the score is 12-12 and we are at the bottom of the 9th inning. 

"Tolkien Black is up to bat, and we currently have one runner on base which is Clyde Donovan over on second base." An announcer spoke into the microphone, his voice booming through the speakers located around the small field. "Looks like this pitcher has given 2 balls and 1 strike so far, South Park just needs a lucky hit!" The announcer tried to hype up the crowd, and it succeeded as the crowd in the bleachers on both side began to make some noise.

Tolkien gripped onto the bat tightly, and focused his eyes on the pitcher from North Park's team, knowing that he just had to hit something in the outfield to get Clyde across that home plate. The cheerleaders from South Park's end started up a routine as they were cheering on Tolkien to make that lucky hit that they needed to win the game. 

Playing against North Park was always a big game between both of the smaller towns. They have been rivals ever since, so it was not only a big deal to the students involved, but the parents as well. 

The pitcher from North Park looked as though he was ready to wind up, and pitch the ball now. He readied, and quickly pitched the ball. Tolkien swung at the ball, but was late by just a fraction of a hair. A few gasps were heard from the crowd as tension was growing.

"Strike!" The umpire called out from behind, motioning with his hands that Tolkien now had 2 balls and 2 strikes now. 

"And that is strike number two from Tolkien Black, guys this is a REAL nail biter now." The announcer spoke into the microphone again, as he watched closely to the two teams. 

"C'mon Tolkien, you can do it!" "Just hit the goddamn ball!" "You've got this, we believe in you!" "Show them what we're all about!" Various cheers were heard from his team in the dugout, trying to give him the motivation and push to make the winning hit. 

Tolkien took in a deep breath, before trying to focus again, and raising his bat to show the pitcher that he was ready again. The pitcher stretched his arm out, and readied himself up for this last pitch. He pitched the ball towards Tolkien again, who was more than ready for this pitch. 

The sound of the ball colliding with the metal bat echoed throughout the field, and the crowd on South Park's side went absolutely wild. The cheerleaders screamed out and cheered as everyone watched the ball fly out to the right field. Clyde began to sprint towards third base now, seeing that the ball was far enough for him to make it out. 

Clyde was going to be ballsy with this one, so he maintained his speed as he rounded third base without the intention of stopping. The right fielder had tossed the ball to third base just as Clyde had already passed it, and made his way to home. Third base had thrown the ball as hard as he could to home plate. Clyde had thrown himself at home plate now, the motion from his running had thankfully propelled himself through the air enough to make it home, before he smacked his hand against the home plate. The catcher caught the ball, and attempted to tag him out. 

"SAFE!" The umpire called out.

"And just like that, South Park takes the win!" The announcer spoke into the microphone, doing his own little cheer. 

The families and friends in South Park's side had all jumped up and cheered, clapping their hands and seeming more than ecstatic for this win against their rivals. The South Park teammates had run out from the dugout, and not only gave Tolkien high fives for a good hit, but Clyde as well for being ballsy enough and actually making it to home base. 

"You see that, North Park? Suck my bawls!" Cartman called out as he teased the losing team, and taunting them. 

"Fuck off South Park, you guys got lucky!" One of the boys from the opposing team called out, and seemed ready to fight the others just for being annoying about their win.

Brewing Romance (Kyle x Reader) South ParkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora