𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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𝘼𝙡𝙚𝙭'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I quickly declined the call coming in, opening my phone to delete the call from my call log as I sat beside my girlfriend. The doctor's office kept calling me to schedule my next appointment to check on the baby but, there was no way I was taking that call right now. Y/n and I finally feel like we're back on track and I still am not ready to tell her about the baby.

Also, part of me doesn't want to answer because, well, it'll really feel real going back for another check up on the baby. And yes, I know I need to figure out what I'm going to do about the baby because I can't hold off for long.

I have already started to showing a bit so, I need to get things under control sooner rather than later.

Y/n and I got up from the table as we started walking around the campus. She has a big game tonight with the team in the playoffs.

"Okay so, I was able to get enough tickets for you to go in with the girls. My parents bought their own tickets so you don't have to worry about them." Y/n spoke as I nodded. "Okay and, is this close to the court?"

"Yeah, obviously I want my number one girl right where I can see her. You'll be a bit behind our bench so, you'll have a good view. Michael and Sophia are seated right by you and then I got you an extra ticket for Kelley because I know she's your best friend and wants to be up your ass every five seconds."

I laughed as I playfully hit my girlfriend's shoulder. "Stop, you know how she gets when people try to insinuate that she has a crush on me."

"Well she does, I think it's fairly obvious, but unfortunately for her, you and I are going to get married and live happily ever after." Y/n smiles as she places a kiss on my lips. "You still have scouts coming to the game right?"

"Yeah, actually, Coach Vanderveer from Stanford, some scouts from USC, and I'm like trying not to shit bricks but, Coach Dawn Staley is coming from South Carolina." Y/n smiled eagerly. I was so excited for her to show her talents off to these coaches, it could dramatically help if they publicly show interest in her.

Y/n and I continued catching up on each others lives, trying to waste some time before the team bus comes. "Hey, look, I know were doing good and stuff now but, it's been really bothering me- you know, how things were not long ago. I felt like you were pushing me away and stuff and I didn't know what was going on, is there something you're not telling me or-"

"No, no, babe I promise." I tried to quickly reassure her. I know, I'm not doing myself any good and clearly not doing our relationship any good by continuing to keep this a secret from her.

At the same time, I just feel like now isn't the time to tell her, especially seeing as I don't know what I want to do. I can barely take care of myself so how would it even be possible for me to take care of a baby?

Y/n looks into my eyes, searching them for answers before nodding. I could tell, my energy and how I've acted with her over the past few weeks were beginning to take a toll on her and I know, this isn't fair to her. You don't have to tell me that.

"Okay, well I'll see you in a bit." Y/n says as she pulls me into a hug. I rested my head against her shoulder before she pulls away, kissing my cheek. Well, she's definitely upset, she never only kisses my cheek.

I watched as she got on the team bus and I headed home to get ready to head to her game, shoving off her being upset with me. Tonight was about supporting her and the team.

.  .  .

"THAT'S A FOUL DOUCHE BAG!" Jeri screamed as she sat beside me in the stands. I was sitting with my sisters, Sophia, Mike, Megan, and Kelley. We watched on as Y/n brought the ball up the court, passing it off to a teammate before backing out behind the three point line, getting the ball again and hitting a three pointer.

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