𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑𝟓

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The party day:
Everyone was ready in the hall, where the party will be.
Nothing had happened just Iseul's harsh words on Yn were getting rude day by day. Yn this time was trying her best to not get hurt, but Iseul's words where always roaming in her mind.
Mr.Kim: long time to not see you dear friend
Mr.Park and Mr.Kim hugged each other after many years.
Mr.Park: it's a pleasure to meet you again Kim
Mr.Kim smiles knowing that they were in good terms.
Mrs.Park and Mrs.Kim also greeted each other calmly and friendly.
It was not a "party" it was more a reunion of this two families.
The Hyung Line wasn't happy with this idea and Taehyung didn't care about this matter. The most interested one is Iseul. Who knows why?!
Yn was happy to see her real parents, even if she had saw them two days ago.
Jimin and Yn was trying their best to not look suspicious.


Now they were in the living room talking normally after having dinner together. Iseul was waiting for the right moment to say something.
Mr.Park: we are very happy knowing that we are now in good terms
Mr.Kim: exactly, we were friends since long time and for business we had hated each other
Iseul: so you both know each other from this long time?
They nod
Iseul: so uncle you know the truth too right?
Mr.Kim was confused of her words.
Mr.Kim: what truth?
Now everyone attention was on her, she wanted this.
Iseul: that Yn isn't Kim Yn but...
She looks at Yn, who was looking tensed and worried about what Iseul is gonna say.
Iseul: ... Park Yn, the youngest child of Park family, the sister of Jimin
Everyone was indeed shocked. No one was expecting this.
Mr. and Mrs. Kim weren't expecting this news.
The Hyung Line was still processing all this. Taehyung didn't react this much and Jungkook, he was shocked but not more then hurt and disappointed.
Mr.Kim: what is this Iseul? Are you in your sense!
Iseul laughed knowing that he would react like this.
Iseul: I'm sorry for you uncle but this is the truth, I thought that you knew it
Mrs.Kim: Yn? Park Yn? She is their daughter? Impossible
Jimin: how are you so sure Iseul?
Iseul smirk.
Iseul: I just know it, you don't need to know how
Jimin was about to say something but Mr.Park interrupted him.
Mr.Park: yes, she is our daughter, any problem?
No one said something.
Mr.Park: now that you all know, our daughter is coming to our house
Mr.kim: but why? She is ok he-
Mr.Park: she isn't ok and neither safe, your son are too cruel and rude with her, they even beated her... She isn't happy here
Mr.Kim was double shocked hearing this.
He looked at his sons feeling ashamed.
Mr.Kim: what he is telling? What did you did?
Jin: dad it's nothing like this, it was always here fault
Jimin: don't you dare hyung, she didn't do nothing to no one
Taehyung: she had came in our life and house, she had stolen dad and Jungkook from us... say something Jungkook
Jungkook was looking at Yn, he wasn't angry but upset.
Jungkook: so? I admit that it was my fault and yours too, she never did nothing, and what her dad said is completely right... She isn't safe here
He said the last part looking at Iseul.
Too much was happing at the same time, no one was ready for this.
Jimin signaled Yn to go near mom their mom, and she did how he said it.
Mrs.Park: don't worry sweety, this is nothing big or serious
She said caressing her head and leaving a pecking there.
Mrs.Kim notices this and reflects that she never did this to someone. She neither loved her son this truly.
She immediately left from there, Hoseok and Namjoon follows her.
Yoongi: if I need to say the truth... I don't care about nothing, she is your daughter right? So it's right that she have to leave with you Mr.Park
Mr.Kim: but Park I do care about her, I will protect her
Mr.Park understand why Mr.Kim was like this. He had accepted Yn as his daughter fully, he always wanted a daughter, his little princess.
Mr.Park: I know Kim but I can't risk my daughter's life
Issue: yes yes, take her out from here, she had already pissed off so much, she is so irritating, teach her something
Mrs.Park: don't you dare to say nothing bad about her...and firstly change your behavior and attitude, and act more maturely
Iseul: just go from here, Kim and Park will be always enemies even if you are in good terms
Jimin: dad is useless to fight with a girl like her, let's go home... And dad (Mr.Kim) don't worry I still consider you as my second dad, I will still care for you, if you need anything do a call to mochi
He said giving a comforting hug to Mr.Kim.

Everything had happened so fastly that no one is still out from the shock.
Mr.Kim was sad but he knows that it was the right thing that she is now in a safe place with people who loves her.
Mrs.Kim is confused, she doesn't know what to do and say. She is still reflecting on her behaviours that she had with Yn. Does she was feeling guilty?
Jungkook had a call with Jimin and Yn, Jimin told him everything and he understood. He was happy for them but at the same time he will miss them in Kim house.
The Hyung Line was happy that Yn had left the house and family.
Taehyung doesn't know what he was feeling.
And Iseul? She was euphoric, finally everything was hers, she just needs to finish up some stuffs.

Yn was feeling free that now everyone knows about this, she was relaxed.
She was happy that she was finally with her family, of course she will Mr.Kim and Jungkook but she knows that for now is better to have a distance.
Jimin and Jihoon are finally calmed knowing that no one can hurt their sister.
Mr. and Mrs.Park were beyond the happiness that their daughter was finally back in their family.

(Sorry for all the grammar mistakes)
(I hope you understand this chapter)

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